Contact Us
UW Oshkosh
Department of Engineering & Engineering Technology
(920) 424-1547
Fax: (920) 424-1581
Gregory T. Kleinheinz, R.S., Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Engineering Technology
Director, Environmental Research and Innovation Center
Viessmann Chair of Sustainable Technology
Professor of Environmental Engineering Technology

Our group conducts a variety of biogas research, environmental health programming, and research on environmental systems. These activities include student internships, research on a variety of topics, collaborations with local health departments, partnerships with State and Federal agencies, and outreach programs related to promoting environmental engineering technology and health.
Our goal is to provide environmental engineering technology and health services to the State of WI and beyond. We are a resource that promotes UW Oshkosh biodigester activities and trains students to succeed beyond their traditional academic studies. Please call or e-mail Dr. Kleinheinz for more information, or to find out how we can partner with you and your organization.

Department of Engineering and Engineering Technology