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What is TitanAlert?

TitanAlert, powered by Rave Mobile Safety, is a text-messaging alert system used to communicate important campus information right to your mobile phone. You can sign up to receive information about severe weather warnings or campus emergencies that have a direct impact on UW Oshkosh classes and operations — events such as thunderstorm and tornado warnings, blizzards and other threats to the schedules, safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff and guests.

How do I sign up for TitanAlerts?

Student Sign-Up Instructions

  1. Log into your Titan Web Student Information account and choose to activate “TitanAlerts” by checking the appropriate box in the phone information tab.
  2. Make sure to enter the number(s) you would like TitanAlerts to be sent to.
  3. Save your changes as a final step. The next time TitanAlerts are issued, you will get them.

Employee Sign-Up Instructions

  1. Select the “Sign Up” button to the right or go to
  2. Search for “University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh” to select the University’s login page.
  3. Sign in using your NetID username and password to reveal your TitanAlert registered email and mobile phones.
  4. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  5. Select the “Add” button under Mobile Phones and enter the 10-digit mobile number you want to receive text messages at and confirm your carrier.
  6. Confirm your mobile phone number by entering the validation code (received via text message).

Can I change my contact preferences?

Yes, you can change your account settings to update, add to and remove mobile phone numbers and email addresses. Once your account is created, this can be done by logging into your account and changing these preferences on the My Account tab.

How do I retrieve my account password?

If you forgot your NetID username or password, please contact the Information Technology Services (ACS) Help Desk at (920) 424-3020.

How do I opt-out (remove myself) from receiving TitanAlert messages?

Once you are logged into your account, you can opt-out of text message alerts under the Groups tab. For groups you no longer like to receive messages from, you can uncheck the box located right of the group name and below the Text/Email columns. Then select the “Update” button.

If you cannot log into your account, simply reply to any text message from the service with the word “STOP” and you will be removed from TitanAlert.

How do I control what shows up on my phone?

You are given the opportunity to choose the type(s) of messages you wish to receive on your mobile phone through a check box listing of groups. Once your account is created, you can adjust your preferences under the Groups tab when signed in.

Will I receive unsolicited messages (“SPAM”) on my mobile phone?

Rave Mobile Safety, the service that powers TitanAlert, enforces a ZERO SPAM policy, which clearly prohibits unsolicited messages. In addition, UW Oshkosh and Rave Mobile Safety will not sell your contact information to third-party vendors.

Does this service work on multiple cell phone networks?

Yes, Rave Mobile Safety is a cross-carrier service. The majority of wireless carriers, including all of the major providers, are supported by this system.

Do I need to install software on my phone?

No, messages will be sent to your phone via text messaging. In order to receive notifications from TitanAlert, your phone plan must accept text messages.

Will this service cost me anything?

There is no fee for this service, other than any regular message and data fees associated with your mobile phone plan.

How do I add a second phone number to my TitanAlert account?

If you have an existing TitanAlert account:

  1. Access your account at
  2. Search for “University of Wisconsin Oshkosh” to select the University’s login page.
  3. Sign in using your NetID username and password.
  4. Under the My Account tab and Mobile Phones section, select the “Add” button.
  5. Enter the 10-digit mobile number you want to receive text messages.
  6. Confirm your carrier and select “Continue.”
  7. Select “Done.”

If you are creating a new Titan Alert account:

  1. Select the “Sign Up” button to the right or go to
  2. Search for “University of Wisconsin Oshkosh” to select the University’s login page.
  3. Sign in using your NetID username and password to reveal your TitanAlert registered email and mobile phones.
  4. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  5. Select the “Add” button under Mobile Phones and enter the 10-digit mobile number you want to receive text messages at and confirm your carrier.
  6. Confirm your mobile phone number by entering the validation code (received via text message).

Note: UW Oshkosh will send out test messages from TitanAlert one to two times per year.

Emergency Contacts


UWO Police Department: (920) 424-1212
Main University: (920) 424-1234
Risk and Safety: (920) 424-3466
Facilities: (920) 424-3466
Student Health Center: (920) 424-2424
Crisis Hotline: (920) 233-7707