Even in a workplace with relatively few hazards, there is always a possibility for an employee or student worker to become injured at work. If an injury occurs at work, please follow the steps below.

If a work-related death occurs, contact the Workers Comp Coordinator at workerscomp@uwosh.edu within eight (8) hours.

Must complete 24 hours of accident!!

Do not send any reports through interoffice mail!

Step One:

The employee must complete the Injury and Illness report and submit it to their supervisor. Download here.

Step Two:

The employee’s supervisor must complete the Supervisor’s Accident Analysis and Prevention report. Download the form here. The supervisor submits BOTH the Injury and Illness report and the Accident Analysis and Prevention report to workerscomp@uwosh.edu.

The acceptance or denial of a workers’ compensation claim is determined by the UW System Workers’ Compensation Administrator in the Risk Management division of UW System Admin. The Workers’ Comp Coordinator will contact the injured employee with questions about the incident and provide details of the claims process.

Questions or Concerns

Please contact the Workers’ Comp Coordinator at workerscomp@uwosh.edu.

The Workers’ Comp Coordinator will review all injury reports and interview relevant parties to assess work practices, environmental conditions, equipment use, etc.,  Recommendations for improvement will be made as needed.