Home Meal Plans Dining Locations Hours Mobile Ordering Events Nutrition & Allergens Sustainability Resources Catering with Aladdin Catering with Vendor Directory Feedback & Food Committee Fundraising Pepsi Allocations Vending DiningMeal Plans Locations & Menus Mobile Ordering Events Nutrition & Allergens Sustainability Vending Titan Underground Feedback & Food Committee Contact Us University Dining Reeve Union 104 920 424-2391 dining@uwosh.edu Hours Click here for hours of operation Dining Feedback Have some feedback about your dining experience (positive or negative)? We want to hear from you. It can be related to food, staff, a location or anything else you would like to share!Provide feedback and include as many details as possible (date/time...etc.).If your feedback is about a specific location, please indicate where.If you have any photos to include to help provide visual context for your feedback, please upload here. If you're having issues uploading, images can be emailed to food@uwosh.edu.Max. file size: 5 MB.Though it is not required—if you'd like us to follow up with you, please provide us with your contact information.Name First Last Email Address Phone Δ