Apply for Accommodations

The Accessibility Center is tasked to coordinate equitable experiences for students with documented disabilities. We are committed to the idea that every student experiences a level playing field while at UW Oshkosh, enabling them to fully engage with the educational environment through the interactive process. Our primary objective is to offer a range of resources and advocacy support that empowers students to excel.

new student user

Students seeking support and/or accommodation should follow the steps below to register and start the interactive process: 

  1. Register in Accommodate
  2. Schedule Intake Appointment
  3. Provide Documentation

registered students

Registered students can login to Accommodate to complete one of the following actions:

  1. Renew Current Accommodations
  2. Submit Supplemental (additional) Accommodation Request
  3.  Disability Resources
  4. Report an Accessibility Concern


The Interactive Process for ADA Accommodations:  

The interactive process is the collaborative dialogue between a student seeking accommodations and UW Oshkosh and the department responsible for providing them. Below is a step-by-step process that should be followed to ensure the interactive process provides equitable support. 

Step 1: Seek out Support (Student) 

  • Student self-identifies as a person with a disability or recognizes the need for support. 
  • Student completes registration form via Accommodate with the Accessibility Center. 

Step 2: Schedule an Appointment (Student) 

Step 3: Provide Documentation (Student) 

Step 4: Complete Appointment (Student and Accessibility Center) 

  • Discuss the impact of the disability on academic activities and potential accommodations. 
  • Assess challenges or barriers anticipated and time-sensitive considerations. 

Step 5: Determine Eligibility (Accessibility Center) 

  • The Accessibility Center coordinator assesses the documentation and the discussion notes from student appointment. 
  • Determine if the student qualifies for accommodations based on legal and UW Oshkosh guidelines. 

Step 6: Develop an Accommodation Plan (Accessibility Center) 

  • If eligible, student will work with the coordinator to develop an individualized accommodation plan. 

Step 7: Notification of Faculty (Accessibility Center) 

  • The Accessibility Center notifies relevant faculty members about approved accommodations. 
  • Maintain student privacy by only sharing necessary information. 

Step 8: Faculty Meeting (Student and Faculty) 

  • Student and faculty member to discuss student accommodation plan. 
  • Student should address the intent of use for each accommodation and answer faculty questions. 
  • Plan for the unexpected by determining equitable alternatives for graded course work, including participation. 
  • Discuss the most effective way to ensure a student receives necessary course information. 
  • Set a schedule for initiating testing accommodations and deadlines for schedule changes. 

Step 9: Periodic Review (Student and Faculty) 

  • Maintain open communication between student and faculty. 
  • Schedule periodic check-ins with the discuss the effectiveness of accommodations. 
  • Adjust student Accommodation Plan as necessary. 
  • If changes or additional accommodations are needed, please contact the Accessibility Center. 
  • Supplemental Requests (Additional Accommodations) 
  • Login to Accommodate 
  • Select Accommodation 
  • Select Supplemental Request 
  • Add new Supplemental Request 
  • If you add a new class after submitting a term request, you will need to submit a new request for letters to be sent to your new faculty.  

Step 10: Renew Accommodations for the next Term (Student) 

  • Reflect on the equitability of the accommodations and 
  • Contact the Accessibility Center to discuss any changes for the following Term 
  • Students are responsible for renewing their accommodations each term in which they intend to use their accommodation plan. Accommodations are not retroactive so please submit your request at the beginning of each Term. 
  • Term Requests (Renewing Accommodations) 
  • Login to Accommodate 
  • Select Accommodation 
  • Select Term Request 
  • Select Add New 
  • Select Term 
  • Select submit all or select review to select the specific courses 
  • Once a term request is submitted, an Accommodation Plan will be sent to faculty to review via Accommodate. 

Center for Accessibility & Disability Resource

Dean of Students Office
Dempsey 125
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: (920) 424-3100

 The Center for Accessibility & Disability Resources

(920) 424-1033
(920) 424-1051

University Police

Emergency: (920) 424-1212
Non-Emergency: (920) 424-1216