(920) 424-1873
Join us in celebration of religious holidays, heritage months or weeks and days throughout the year that highlight equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). We acknowledge these events and develop educational programming and multicultural events to help inform students, faculty, staff, and the broader community to create an accessible, equitable, diverse, and inclusive campus climate.
For more information, visit: https://www.tmcc.edu/diversity/awareness-calendar
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Filipino American Heritage Month
Italian American Heritage Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National German-American Heritage Month
Polish American Heritage Month
German-American Day: October 6
National Coming Out Day: October 11
Indigenous Peoples Day: Second Monday
- Mayor Lori Palmeri declared the second Monday in October every year Indigenous People’s Day.
National White Cane Safety Day: October 15
International Pronouns Day: Third Wednesday of October
For more information, visit: https://advancetitan.com/news/2019/10/23/international-pronouns-day-promotes-safe-spaces
Women in Military Service for America Memorial Anniversary: October 18
For more information, visit: https://www.veteranaid.org/women-in-military-service-for-america-memorial/
For more information, visit: https://www.checkiday.com/6c80eec81774b8e00c2879405e99d853/spirit-day
Chinese New Year: January or February
Tu Bishvat/Tu B’Shevat, Jewish Holiday: January or February
Stalking Awareness Month and Human Trafficking Awareness Month
For more information, visit: https://www.stalkingawareness.org/stalking-awareness-month-2021/
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Third Monday
For more information, visit: https://www.uwosh.edu/chancellor/2021/01/this-martin-luther-king-jr-day-hope-for-a-healing-2021/
International Holocaust Remembrance Day: January 27
For more information, visit: https://advancetitan.com/news/2018/04/05/uwo-celebrates-asian-heritage-month
Earth Month/Week/Day: April or the week of Earth Day, April 22
For more information, visit: https://www.uwosh.edu/sirt/events/earth-week/
Social Justice Week: One week in April
National Caribbean American Heritage
For more information, visit: https://www.uwosh.edu/today/85579/as-pride-month-continues-the-lgbtq-resource-center-director-talks-how-to-best-be-an-ally/
For more information, visit: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/06/10/loving-day-june-12-marks-supreme-court-interracial-marriage-decision/5326018002/
For more information, visit: https://esther-foxvalley.org/date/2021/06/06/juneteenth-2021-freedom-day