Inclusive Excellence Award


To emphasize the critical role that inclusivity and equity play across the three UW Oshkosh campuses. This award will recognize a professional staff member, non-instructional academic staff member, instructional academic staff member, or faculty member who has made a difference in the campus community related to Inclusive Excellence. One award will be presented at the Opening Day Honors and Awards in the fall.

Nomination Form


To be eligible for this award, staff or faculty must have been employed at one of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh campuses for at least two years at the time of nomination. Self-nominations are allowed.


The criteria for this award include the number of activities related to Inclusive Excellence that the applicant has been engaged in during their career at UW Oshkosh, the significance of their involvement in them, and the impact of those activities on our campus community. Activities that are not related to Inclusive Excellence will not be evaluated in selection.

In keeping with UW System’s working definition of Inclusive Excellence, in the list of activities below, diversity is defined broadly as both “individual differences” and “group/social differences” such as “race/ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, country of origin, and ability as well as cultural, political, religious, or other affiliations.” In turn, diversity includes the status of students such as their socio-economic, marital, educational, employment, and/or family status, and their position as returning veterans, first-generation students, nontraditional students, transfer students, ELL students, and/or international students.

Activities that will be considered for this award include one or more of the following:

  • Create a welcoming environment of safety, equity, and respect for a diverse student, staff, and faculty body, and create a climate that values inclusion, equity, and diversity.
  • Promote the recruitment and/or retention of students, faculty, and/or staff that leads to a more diverse campus community and, thus, the attainment of greater excellence.
  • Inspire change around and promote dialogues on equity and inclusion.
  • Educate students and/or the University community about inclusion, equity, and/or diversity.
  • Provide support for more students to achieve success on campus.
  • Affirm the lives, experiences, and contributions of students, staff, and faculty in ways that ensure all members of the campus community can succeed; and
  • Promote equity, inclusion, and diversity on campus in ways that lead to transformative change.


Selection Process

The committee will review and consider the service records of those nominated and select one individual to receive the award. Should the committee conclude that none of the nominees have sufficiently outstanding records to merit receiving the award, no award will be made.

Selection Committee

The committee will review the nominations.


As soon as a nomination is received, it is distributed to committee members. The committee chair(s) will confirm eligibility. The nominator will be notified if the employee is ineligible. Eligible nominations will be evaluated by the committee based on the listed criteria. If the nominee is evaluated and is determined “not qualified” based on the criteria, the nominator(s) will be notified of the committee’s decision along with the rationale for the decision.


  • Award recipients will be notified via email and will be invited to UWO’s Opening Day Honors and Awards in the fall.
  • A framed certificate signed by the Chancellor.
  • The award recipient’s name and department will be placed on the Center for Student Success and Belonging website.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Byron Adams