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Course Descriptions


CJ 110 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 credits)

A beginning course in Criminal Justice designed to provide an understanding of the criminal justice system and to lay the foundation for additional work in the discipline. This course should be taken by students anticipating a major in criminal justice.

Prerequisites: None

CJ 125 The Real Criminal Justice System (3 credits)

This is a Quest 1 course (Civic Knowledge and Engagement; Society; Civic Learning). Criminal Justice majors and minors are NOT required to take this course.

Prerequisites: None

CJ 199 Introduction to Forensic Investigation (3 credits)

Students will be introduced to the methods and theories of forensic science and how forensic scientists aid in the process of criminal investigations. The topics covered include forensic anthropology, forensic odontology, forensic pathology, forensic entomology, DNA analysis, forensic toxicology, crime scene investigation, and textile analysis. Students will also learn about the nature of evidence and the chain of custody.

This course is cross-listed with Anthropology 199.

Prerequisites: None

CJ 244 Correctional Process (SS) (3 credits)

A survey of the correctional process; correctional objectives, alternatives, policies and procedures; relationship between the correctional process and the crime control, rehabilitative and due process models.

Prerequisite: None.

CJ 270 Introductory Criminal Law (SS) (3 credits)

Inquiry into the categories of crimes, responsibility for crimes, limitations on criminal capacity, modifying circumstances and special defenses for criminal conduct. 

Prerequisites:  None.

CJ 281 Elementary Statistics in Criminal Justice Research (XM) (3 credits)

This course has been designed to introduce students to commonly used statistical tests in criminal justice research. Through this introduction, students will be equipped with the ability to conduct and interpret statistical analyses.

Prerequisites:  Math 104, 106, 108, or 110 with a C or better; or placement into Math 171 or 201; or a grade of C or better in Math 186, 187, 188, or 189 and a grade of C or better in Math 103 (or placement into Math 104, 106, or 108).

CJ 288 Police in Modern Society (SS) (3 credits)

An analysis of police roles, structure and performance in American Society. A review of the interaction between economic, legal, political, psychological and social forces and police behavior.

Prerequisite: None.

CJ 304 Criminal Investigation (SS) (3 credits)

A survey of the techniques used for investigation of crime. Includes early developments and their effect on modern methods, interrelationships between scientific crime detection and professional skills of investigators, the proper care and handling of evidence for its useful introduction at criminal trials and the impact of court decisions on police procedures. The course focuses on practical limitations on the effectiveness of crime investigation techniques.

Prerequisites:  CJ 110 or CJ 199 or CJ 288 or Forensic Certificate Student.

CJ 312 Managing Criminal Justice Organizations (SS) (3 credits)*

The study of administrative problems and issues as they relate to criminal justice organizations. Prerequisites: None.

*PA 221 (Introduction to Public Administration), which is occasionally offered by the Department of Public Administration can be substituted for the CJ 312 requirement.

CJ 315 Police Deviance (SS) (3 credits)

This course examines and seeks to understand the problem of police officers and agencies that engage in deviant or criminal behavior. It will also examine the impact that deviance has upon the public’s perceptions of police legitimacy. Finally, police accountability and reform policies will be discussed.

Prerequisites: CJ 110 or CJ 288.  An additional course fee of $40.00 is applied to this course to facilitate the use of a “Use of Force Simulator”.

CJ 318 Adjudication Process in Criminal Justice (SS) (3 credits)

An exploration of the criminal judicial process as distinguished from adjudication of civil disputes. Includes discussion of constitutional mandates and other aspects of justice administration in political and social institutions.

Prerequisites: CJ 110 or CJ 270 (or concurrent enrollment in CJ 110 or CJ 270).

CJ 319 Criminal Courts: Proof of Guilt (SS) (3 credits)

Rules of evidence as they affect participants in criminal justice and the consequences for that system.

Prerequisites:  CJ 110 or CJ 199 or CJ 270 or Forensic Certificate Student.

CJ 328 Criminal Court Behavior (SS) (3 credits)

An analysis of the behavior of the principal actors in the criminal court process–prosecutors, judges, and defense attorneys. Court processes will be analyzed from an organizational perspective.

Prerequisites:  CJ 110 or CJ 270.

CJ 331 Women and Crime (3 credits)

This course is the study of women and crime, including women as participants and victims of crime and criminal justice professionals. The course explores the pathways by which women become involved in criminal behavior, the response of the criminal justice system, and the complex worlds women experience on the street and in prison. Cross-listed: Women’s Studies 331/CJ 331. Students may receive credit for only one of the two cross-listed courses.

Prerequisites: None.

CJ 333 Illegal Bias in the Criminal Justice System (SS) (3 credits)

An examination of the extent of illegal biases in criminal justice practice. Students will be guided to confront their and others’ attitudes shaped by racial, sexual and sexual orientation biases. The primary goal is to teach a method of open discourse to negotiate these conflicts in an evolving culture.

Prerequisites:  CJ 110 or CJ 270.

CJ 334 Comparative Criminal Justice Policies (SS) (3 credits)

This course has been designed to broaden student’s awareness of the intertwining historical and contemporary factors underlying differing criminal justice policies through a global perspective of how differing laws, policies, and practices in other nations as well as by some states in the U.S. impact criminal justice systems and broader society so that students can develop an awareness of alternative laws, policies and practices, and their outcomes.

Prerequisites: None.

CJ 340 Police Administration (SS) (3 credits)

Focus is on theoretical principles as they relate to practice in complex organizations. Attention is given to the interrelation of police, courts, and correctional facilities as administrative units.

Prerequisites:  CJ 110 or CJ 288 or CJ 312.

CJ 343 Quantitative Research Design (SS) (3 credits)

Quantitative methods of empirical research and program evaluation in Criminal Justice; selection of appropriate quantitative methods and statistical tests; data analysis using computer facilities; research paper writing.

Prerequisites: None.

CJ 344 Crime Films, Popular Culture, and Criminology (SS) (3 credits)

Within today’s popular culture, movies about crime and criminals are common. Such films have become so common and popular, that very few of us have not shared in the experience of watching a crime movie. We all share this experience and, to one degree or another, we all can (and often do) draw from this cultural resource when thinking about issues relating to crime, criminals, and criminal justice. Throughout this source, we explore this phenomenon and learn how crime movies, combined with other elements of our popular culture (music, literature, websites, video games, and so on), have produced a “popular criminology” that runs parallel to its more scientific cousin: academic criminology. Once these domains have been defined and their differences explored, we will “take criminology to the movies” and begin to look at how these two domains interact. For instance, does popular criminology support or contradict our scientific theories? Or, does it simultaneously do both?

Prerequisites: None.

CJ 346 Community-Based Corrections (SS) (3 credits)

An overview of probation and parole services and other alternatives to incarceration for adult offenders.

Prerequisites:  CJ 110 or CJ 244.

CJ 347 The Juvenile Justice System (SS) (3 credits)

The development and present structure of the juvenile justice system: legal structure, services, current policy issues. Survey of both community-based and institutional juvenile corrections.

Prerequisites:  CJ 110 or CJ 244.

CJ 348 Law of Corrections (SS) (3 credits)

Examination of the rights of pretrial detainee and convicted offenders from detention through parole.

Prerequisites:  CJ 110 or CJ 270.

CJ 351 Theories of Crime (SS) (3 credits)

An introduction to the study of crime, criminals, and crime theory. Substantive areas to be studied include (1) what is crime? and (2) what causes crime? Goals of the course are for students to: (1) develop an understanding of the complex relationship between crime and society; and (2) learn to identify underlying assumptions inherent in any societal approach to crime.

Prerequisites: None.

CJ 352 Organized Crime (SS) (3 credits)

This course highlights (1) the nature, extent and theoretical explanations of organized crime, (2) the business of organized crime, (3) the measures being taken to combat organized crime in the United States and around the world and (4) differing world perspectives on organized crime.

Prerequisites: None.

CJ 354 Homeland Security and Terrorism (3 credits)

This course focuses on various aspects of homeland security, domestic and international terrorism. Terrorist group motivations, tactics, campaigns, and targets as well as counter-terrorism-related law enforcement strategies, criminal justice procedures, organization, missions, and critical issues in US homeland security will be discussed.

Prerequisites: None.

CJ 357 Forensic Odontology (3 credits)

Prerequisites: CJ 199.

CJ 358 Major Criminal Justice Issues (SS) (3 credits)

The administrative machinery of Criminal Justice in theory and practice. Critical examination of the roles of police, prosecution, courts, and correction in America today. Policy development implementation and evaluation with regard to key criminal justice issues.

Prerequisites:  Criminal Justice Major who has completed CJ 270, CJ 288, CJ 281, CJ 244, CJ 312, CJ 318, CJ 343, CJ 351 and, at least, 9 of the 15 required CJ elective credits; OR Criminal Justice Minor who has completed CJ 110, at least one of the following: CJ 244 or CJ 270 or CJ 281 or CJ 288, and all of the following: CJ 312, CJ 318, CJ 351; OR consent of instructor.

*Criminal Justice Majors should take CJ 358 during their final semester before graduation.

CJ 361 Forensic Burial Recovery (SS) (3 credits)

Prerequisites:  CJ 199.

CJ 365 Crime Scene Documentation and Evidence Collection (SS) (3 credits)

Prerequisites:  CJ 199.

CJ 374 Human Osteology (SS) (3 credits)

This course focuses on the human skeleton and the data it provides forensic anthropologists, paleoanthropologists, and archaeologists. Skeletal and dental anatomy is covered in detail, with special attention given to anthropologically important aspects of specific bones and teeth. Students will also learn how to recover bone from forensic and archaeological contexts, recognize bone fragments, estimate age-at-death, sex, and biological affinity from skeletal elements, diagnose bone pathologies, collect metric data, and identify trauma. The information covered in this course is the foundation for future studies in bioarchaeology, paleoanthropology, and forensic anthropology.

Prerequisites: Anthropology 202 or consent of instructor.

CJ 375 Special Topics in Criminal Justice (SS) (3 credits)

A course on a topic not normally covered in the curriculum. Each time it is offered, the topic will be announced in the timetable.

Prerequisites: None.

CJ 377 Forensic Anthropology (SS) (3 credits)

In this course, students will be introduced to the methods and analytical techniques of forensic anthropology. The topics covered will include the stages of soft tissue decomposition, estimation of the post-mortem interval, forensic entomology, using skeletal elements to estimate demographic information, forensic odontology, skeletal trauma, and determining the cause of death. Additionally, Students will analyze simulated forensic cases using real human skeletons and learn to construct case reports for law enforcement agencies.

Prerequisites:  Anthropology 202 or Anthropology 374 or consent of instructor.

CJ 388: Drugs and Crime (SS) (3 credits)

This course is a study of drug use and crime. Topics include the history and classification of drugs, abuse, the impact of drugs on crime, the modus operandi of drug trafficking organizations, and law enforcement supply and demand reduction strategies. Students will be able to identify various types of controlled substances and explore their effect on human behavior and society, treatment modalities within the criminal justice system, and the impact of drug policies enforcement on societies.

Prerequisites: None.

CJ 396 Internship in Criminal Justice (SS) (1-8 credits)

Supervised field experience in a criminal justice agency (e.g., police department, prosecutor’s office or a correctional agency) accompanied by an analysis of the experience. Open only to students who have earned a minimum of 90 credits). 

Prerequisites: instructor consent; students MUST meet with a Criminal Justice faculty member before pursuing an internship opportunity. Students intending to take an internship must have completed at least 90 credits and have a 3.0 GPA in the major.

CJ 446 Independent Study (SS) (1-3 credits)

See Independent Study under Course and Academic Advisement Policies information for general course description, general prerequisite, and proper contract form requirements. 

Prerequisites: departmental consent, and general prerequisites as described by Course and Academic Advisement Policies.

CJ 474 Honors Thesis (1-6 credits)

Honors thesis projects include any advanced independent endeavor in the student’s major field of study, e.g., a written thesis, scientific experiment or research project, or creative arts exhibit or production. Proposals (attached to Independent Study contract) must show clear promise of honors level work and be approved by a faculty sponsor. Course title for transcript will be ‘Honors Thesis.’ Completed projects will be announced and presented to interested students and faculty. Maximum of 6 credits. Prerequisite:  Departmental consent, university honors status, and junior or senior status.