Building Information
Check-In Begins at 4:00PM Central Time (USA)
Horizon Village
- Five story suite style residence hall
- Two-bedroom and four-bedroom suites available; each suite sleeps four people
- One full and one half bathroom in each suite
- A/C is offered throughout the building
- Elevators available
Scott Hall
- Ten story high rise traditional style residence hall, consisting of two towers with lodging on floor 2-9 of each tower
- Elevators available
- No refrigerator or microwaves in rooms
Fletcher Hall
- Four story traditional style residence hall
- Community style bathrooms- male and female bathrooms on every floor
- Elevators available
- No refrigerator or microwaves in rooms
- A/C is offered throughout the building
Taylor Hall
- Four story traditional style residence hall
- Community style bathrooms- male and female bathrooms on every floor
- A/C is offered throughout the building
- Elevator is available
- No refridgerator or microwave in rooms
Stewart Hall
- Four story traditional style residence hall
- Community style bathrooms- male and female bathroom on every floor
- No elevator
- No refrigerator or microwave in rooms
- A/C is not available
Evans Hall
- Four story traditional style residence hall
- Community style bathrooms-male and female bathrooms on every floor
- No elevator
- No refrigerator or microwaves in rooms
- A/C is not available