Kathleen Wren
Asst. Director of DNP–Nurse Anesthesia Emphasis; Professor
College of Nursing
- - PhD Adult Education, University of Nebraska Lincoln, 1998
- - MS in Nursing, Rush University Chicago, Illinois, 1984
- - BS in Nursing, Union College Lincoln, Nebraska, 1981
- - Recertification as Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, 8/2021
- - Wisconsin Registered Nurse License, 9/2020
- - Advanced Nurse Prescriber Licensure: Wisconsin, 9/2020
- - ACLS certified, current
- - BLS certified, current
- - PALS certified, current
- - Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
- - Adult Education
- - Wren, K.R. and Wren, T.L. (2017). Ethics of Clinical Instruction, in A Resource for Nurse Anesthesia Educators, 2nd ed., Henrichs B and Thompson J (Eds.). Chicago: AANA Publishing, Inc.
- - Wren, K. (2016). It’s Time for Nursing to Lead. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 31(6): 555-6. (Invited Editorial)
- - Smith, N. Jr. and Wren, K.R. (2010). Ethical and Legal Aspects, part 2: Plagiarism — “What it is and How do I avoid It?” Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 25(5): 327-30.
- - Wren, T.L. and Wren K.R. (2009). Diabetes Mellitus. In Chernecky, C. and MurphyEnde, K. (Eds.). Acute Care Oncology Nursing. Philadelphia, Saunders Elsevier Publishing.
- - Wren, K.R. and Wren, T.L. (2009). Calculating Sliding Scale Regular Insulin Dosages. In Macklin, D., Chernecky, C., and Infortune, I. (Eds.). Math for Clinical Practice, St. Louis: Elsevier Publishing.
- - Wren, K.R. and Wren, T.L. (2009). Ethics of Clinical Instruction, in A Resource for Nurse Anesthesia Educators, 2nd ed., Henrichs B and Thompson J (Eds.). Chicago: AANA Publishing, Inc.
- - Wren, K.R., Lancaster R.J., Walesh, M., Margelosky, K., Levitt, K., Hudson., Albala, MZ. Intravenous Lidocaine for Chronic Neuropathic Pain. AANA Journal, 89(5):351-5.
- - Lancaster R.J., Wren, K.R. (In press). Intravenous Lidocaine for Chronic Neuropathic Pain: A Systemiatic Review Addressing Nursing Care. Journal of Pain Management Nursing.
- - Wren, K.R., Condit, M.T. (In press). Anesthesia Machine Failure: A Case Study. AANA Journal.
- - Regional Human Patient Simulation Network Fall Meeting, Setting the Stage, October, 2017, in Appleton, WI.
- - Oshkosh Student Nurse Association, Applying to Graduate Nursing CRNA Programs, May, 2017
- - American Nurses Association and Wisconsin Nurses Association, Surviving Your First Year, Lab Values: Arterial Blood Gases Made Easy, October, 2016, in Madison, WI and April, 2017, in Green Bay Wisconsin
- - American Association of Men in Nursing, Advanced Practice CRNA Careers, November, 2016
- - HRSA Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship Grant, 2023
- - Faculty Development Grant, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 2017
- - Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship Program, Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship, HRSA, 2015
- - Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship Program, Graduate Nurse Traineeship, HRSA, 2011
- - Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship Program, Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship, HRSA, 2010
- - Destination Graduation, Advanced Education Nursing Grants, HRSA, 2009
- - Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship Program, Graduate Nurse Traineeship, HRSA, 2009