Kathy Elertson
Associate Dean, Professor
College of Nursing
- - Certificate Nursing, University of Massachusetts, 2015
- - DNP Nursing, University of Wisconsin Madison, 2012
- - MS Nursing, University of Wisconsin Madison, 2007
- - BS Nursing, Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, 1990
- -2016-2026 Family Nurse Practitioner Certification by ANCC
- - 2015-2026 Registered Nurse State of Minnesota
- - 2008-2025 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification by PNCB
- - 2008-2026 Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriber State of Wisconsin
- - 1990-2026 Registered Nurse State of Wisconsin
- - Pediatric
- - FNP
- - Women’s health
- - Elertson, K.M. & Morgan, L.L. (2023). Consideration of Gender in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Management, Nursing Clinics of North America, 58 (4), 595-605. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnur.2023.06.003 (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029646523000452)
- - Kukuck, S.; Elertson, K. (2022). Improving sleep hygiene to decrease delirium among critically ill patients. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, accepted for publication ahead of print, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2022.08.027.
- - Schierenbeck, S.; Elertson, K. (2022). Effect of a palliative care screening tool for oncology patients. The Journal of Palliative Care and Hospice Nursing, 24(2), 119-124. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000825. Feature Article
- - McNiel, P.L, Elertson, K.M., Schmitt, C.A. (2021). “They just kind of take you under their wing”: A qualitative study of palliative care patients experiences. Frontiers in Medicine and Health Science Research, 3(1), 1-5 https://doi.org/10.0000/FMR.1000112
- - Elertson, K.M. & McNiel, P.L. (2021). Answering the call: Educating future nurses on LGBTQ healthcare, Journal of Homosexuality, 68:13, 2234-2245. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2020.1734376
- - Elertson, K.M. & Lehr, M. (2021). Beyond discussion: Implementing multimodal learning in a nurse practitioner program, Nursing Education Perspectives, 42(6), 68-69. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000688.
- - McGrath, J.K., Elertson, K.M., & Morin, T. (2020). Increasing patient safety in hemodialysis units by improving handoff communication. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 47(5), 439- 445. https://doi.org/10.37526/1526-744X.2020.47.5.439\
- - Liesch, S.; Elertson, K. (2020) Abstract: “Found poetry” as an expression of qualitative research in youth with type I diabetes mellitus. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 52, 106-113. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2020.02.017
- - Liesch, S. & Elertson, K.M. (2020). Drawing and dialogue: Youth’s experiences with the “face” of diabetes. Journal of Patient Experience, 7(6), 1158-1163 https://doi.org/10.1177/2374373519892774.
- - Elertson, K. M. & Schmitt, C.A., (2019). Ask them all: Self-report universal prenatal substance use screening, Journal of Substance Use, 24(5), 520-523. https://doi.org/10.1080/14659891.2019.1614233
- - Liesch, S. & Elertson, K. M. (2018). Drawing as a communication modality in clinic. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 43. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2018.10.002.
- - Liesch, S. & Elertson, K. M., (2018) Abstract: The Face of Diabetes 2017 Pilot Study, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 40, 92-98.
- - McNiel, P. & Elertson, K. M. (2018). Advocacy and awareness: Integrating LGBTQ health into pre-licensure curriculum, Journal of Nursing Education, 57(5), 312-314. http://dx.doi.org.www.remote.uwosh.edu/10.3928/01484834-20180420-12.
- - Elertson, K.M. (2017). Improving completion of the initial comprehensive health assessments for children entering foster care. Child and Youth Services Review, 81, 124-128 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.08.006.
- - McNiel, P. & Elertson, K. M. (2017). Reality check: Preparing nursing students to respond to Ebola and other infectious diseases. Nursing Education Perspectives, 38(1), 42-43. doi: 10.1097/01.
- - Elertson, K., Liesch, S., Babler, E. (2016). The face of diabetes: Insights into youths’ experiences as expressed through drawing. Journal of Patient Experience. 3(2), 34-38. doi: 10.1177/2374373516654771.
- - Lancaster, R. S., Anderson, P., Jambunathan, J. Elertson, K., Schmitt, C. (2015). Simulation STEPS ahead. Nursing Education Perspectives, 36(6), 406-407. doi: 10.5480/15-1661.
Presentations (Local)
- - Elertson, K. M. & Schmitt, C. A. (2018, April). Ask them all: Self-report universal prenatal substance use screening, Eta Pi UW Oshkosh Spring Scholarship Night, Oshkosh, WI [Requested poster presentation]
- - Liesch, S. & Elertson, K.M., (2018, Nov.). The Face of Diabetes, findings from a drawing pilot study. Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Annual Pediatric Nurses Conference, Milwaukee, WI. [Requested poster presentation]
- - Elertson, K. M. (2016). SUPS-Q novel screening for prenatal substance use. Sigma Theta Tau International Eta Pi Chapter Fall Scholarship Night, Oshkosh, WI [Invited to present]
- - Elertson, K. M. (2018). Opioid Effects on Maternal Newborn Outcomes, Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care, Fox Valley presentation, Aurora Medical Center, Oshkosh, WI [Requested poster presentation].
Presentations (State)
- - Elertson, K. M. (2018). Filling the Gap: What Families Need, What Providers Need: Moving toward comprehensive care for women and infants affected by opioids. Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care Annual Conference, Elkhart Lake, WI [Invited to present]
- - Elertson, K. M. (2017). Filling the Gap: What Families Need, What Providers Need: Moving toward comprehensive care for women and infants affected by opioids. Wisconsin Association 2017 [Invited to present].
- - Elertson, K. M (2016). Engaging, caring, and sharing: Opportunities to promote and support resilience among infants and families impacted by substance use disorders. Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care Annual Conference, Elkhart Lake, WI [Invited to present].
- - Elertson, K. M (2015, Oct.). Reap what you sow: Experience, resiliency, and substance use disorders. Webinar presentation, Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care, UW Oshkosh campus [Invited to present].
- - Elertson, K. M (2015). “Bridging the Gap: Care, Collaboration, and Assessment of the Family Impacted by Substance Abuse”, Wisconsin Association of Perinatal Care Annual Conference, Appleton, WI [Invited to present]
- - Elertson, K. M., (2014). Social and Physical Determinants of Maternal Child Health, Wisconsin League of Nurses Fall Conference, Pewaukee, WI [Invited to present].
Presentations (Regional)
- - Elertson, K. M. (2016). The Face of Diabetes, the Child’s Perspective, Pediatric Research Interest Group, MNRS Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI [Invited to submit and accepted for podium presentation].
- - Elertson, K.M. ‘A Quality Improvement Pilot to Promote Completion of the Initial Comprehensive Health Assessment for Children Entering Out-of-Home Care”, MNRS Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN [Abstract accepted for podium presentation].
- - Elertson K. M “Bridging the Gap: Care, Collaboration, and Assessment of the Family Impacted by Substance Abuse” (2015), Centerstone Counseling Community Training, Murfreesboro, TN. [Invited to present].
Presentations (National)
- - 2023 Accepted for poster presentation, Liesch, S. & Elertson, K.M. The Face of Diabetes 2022 Clinic Visits, Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society (PENS) Annual conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 19-22, 2023
- - 2021 Accepted for poster presentation, Liesch, S. & Elertson, K.M. Found Poetry as Research Results: Youth with Type 1 Diabetes, American Holistic Nurses Association National Conference, Orlando, Florida, June 8-13th, 2022
- - Liesch, S. & Elertson, K. M. (2018, June)., The Face of Diabetes 2017 Pilot Study. American Holistic Nurses Association National Conference, Niagara Falls, New York [Accepted for podium presentation].
- - Liesch, S. & Elertson, K. M. (2018, May), The Face of Diabetes, findings from a drawing pilot study, Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society (PENS) Annual conference, Bonita Springs, Florida. [Accepted for poster presentation]
- - Elertson, K.M. & Schmitt, C. A. (2017, March) Ask them all: Self-report universal prenatal substance use screening, American Nurses Association, Quality and Innovation Conference, Orlando, Florida. [Accepted for poster presentation]
Presentations (International)
- - 2022 Accepted for poster presentation, Elertson, K.M. Evaluation of simulation training on screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for adolescent substance abuse in pre and post licensure nursing programs. International Nurses Society of Addictions (IntNSA) Conference, October 25-28, 2022 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- - 2020 Accepted for poster presentation, Elertson, K.M. & Schmitt, C.A. Ask them all: Self-report universal prenatal substance use screening. International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) Virtual Conference, October 4-31, 2020
- - Elertson, K.M. & Schmitt, C. A. (2019, June). Ask them all: Self-report universal prenatal substance use screening, 11th Annual In-Women Conference, San Antonio, TX. [Accepted for poster presentation]
Awards and Honors
- - 2022 Edward M. Penson Distinguished Teaching Award
- - 2022 Womxn Leading UWO nominee
- - 2022 Nurses Foundation of Women Research Grant Award
- - 2018 CON Professorial Excellence Award
- - 2018 Promotion: Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
- - 2017 Outstanding Department, Lavender Graduation, honoree
- - 2015-2016 Sigma Theta Tau International Eta Pi Chapter Research Award
- - 2015 Edward M. Penson Faculty Award
- - 2023 TIGER program acceptance, Vanderbilt University, Funding Awarded
- - 2021 Nurses Foundation of Wisconsin Evaluations of SBIRT Simulation Training, Funding Awarded
- - 2018 Ascension Healthcare Palliative Care Study Grant, Funding Awarded
- - 2018 Conrad Hilton Foundation Award Track F-Adolescent SBIRT Academic- Community Partnership Implementation Program, Funding awarded
- - 2016 Sigma Theta Tau Eta Pi Research Grant- Prenatal Screening, Funding awarded
- - 2016 Faculty Development Grant- Graduate Multicultural Travel, Not funded
- - 2016 Nurse Foundation of Wisconsin- Prenatal Screening, Not funded
- - 2015 Faculty Development Grant- Graduate Travel Clinical, Not funded