Frequently Asked Questions


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What is the course of study for someone that already has a Master of Science in Nursing?

The plan of study is very specific for nurse anesthesia and DNP. Course transfer requirements include:

a) review and approval by the program director
b) limited to 9 semester credits
c) transfer credits are not allowed for nurse anesthesia courses
d) courses must have been taken within five years of graduation—meaning if graduation is anticipated in 2020, coursework must have been completed in 2015 or later.

Do I need Wisconsin RN license when I apply to the program?

No. You do not need a Wisconsin RN license when you apply, but you will need an unencumbered Wisconsin RN license by the time you enroll in the program.

Did you receive my transcripts?

To ensure we have received your transcripts, contact the UW Oshkosh Office of Graduate Studies at (920) 424-1223 or

Regarding professional references, what is considered being away from school for an “extended period of time”?

If there is a nursing professor/instructor familiar with your college work, no matter how many years have passed, then that professor may write your letter. If not, you should find someone who is familiar with your skills and abilities.

Does the applicant fill out the Critical Care and Clinical Experience form?

The Critical Care form can be filled out by the applicant. The Clinical Experience form needs to be completed by a supervisor. 

Does biochemistry count toward the inorganic/organic chemistry credit requirement?

The chemistry credits required are 8 credits total, including inorganic and organic chemistry. Biochemistry usually counts toward the organic chemistry requirement.

What coursework satisfies the requirement for 8 credits of chemistry?

  • Some applicants satisfy the requirement for 8 credits of chemistry by taking General Chemistry I and II; however, the syllabus must be reviewed by program faculty to ensure there is sufficient organic chemistry content.
  • If the General Chemistry I and II do not contain sufficient organic chemistry content you can still satisfy the requirement by taking additional coursework in organic chemistry.

Examples of how you could satisfy the Organic Chemistry requirement:

  • Organic Chemistry 1
  • Organic Chemistry II
  • Biochemistry

If I have two bachelor’s degrees—one being a BSN—will my cumulative GPA include both degrees, or just my BSN?

You must submit transcripts for all of your post-secondary degrees. We will calculate several GPAs: overall undergraduate GPA, cumulative nursing GPA, science GPA, and the last 60 hours of undergraduate coursework GPA.

How many days, on average, will a Nurse Anesthesia student be present on campus?

The on-campus time commitment varies each semester. First-semester students are on campus four days per week.

Are the courses primarily online or in-person?

The general DNP courses are mostly online. However, nurse anesthesia coursework is typically administered in person with some hybrid online instruction.

How many students are enrolled in the program?

Cohorts typically have 15–20 students each.

Does this program teach regional anesthesia?

Yes, this program teaches regional anesthesia (as required for all programs).

A “minimum of one year experience (two years preferred) current, continuous, full-time critical care experience” is required. Is this experience required prior to the application deadline, or prior to enrollment?

You need to have one year (preferably two years and your CCRN certification) prior to matriculation of your first year in the program. 

Can I work while I am in the DNP–Nurse Anesthesia Emphasis program?

Due to the rigorous curriculum and time commitment, you are advised not to work while in the program.

Do the didactic and clinical components of the program occur in the Oshkosh area?

The didactic components of the program are on campus. The clinical sites exist all across the state.

If I did not get accepted to the program and want to reapply, what do I need to resubmit?

First notify the Nurse Anesthesia Program Assistant of your reapplication by contacting You are not required to fill out another online application. However, you will need to provide any additional transcripts of course work you have completed since your previous application, as well as updated references, Critical Care form, Clinical Experience form and certification cards (BLS, PALS, ACLS). Contact the Office of Graduate Studies (920) 424-1223 or if any information has changed from your previous application.

College of Nursing

Clow Social Science Center
Room C210
800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901