Teacher Education Program - Gateways
The undergraduate Teacher Education Program prepares students to become a licensed teacher. The program is structured around a series of four gateways to ensure that students are meeting all of the licensure, major and degree requirements.
Gateway 1
Program Admission
First Year and Sophomore Year
- Complete direct admission application (if eligible – first year or transfer students)
- Attend the mandatory group advising
- Begin University Studies Program (USP) coursework
- Visit an Undergraduate Advising Resource Center (UARC) adviser
- Take elementary education 110 and 235
- Consider joining a student education group
- Apply to the College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) after 26 credits if not directly admitted
Gateway 2
Program Requirements
Sophomore and Junior Years
- Continue USP curriculum
- Begin coursework in major and education curriculum
- Begin field experiences
- Meet with an Undergraduate Advising Resource Center (UARC) adviser to create a plan to graduation.
- Identify and participate in activities involving K-12 students
- Participate in Career and Professional Development workshops
- When a minimum of 55 credits or more (40 credits for Physical Ed) are earned meet with your assigned COEHS faculty adviser
Gateway 3
Apply for Student Teaching
Junior and Senior Years
- Complete major and education program coursework
- Complete the content assessment
- Take the FORT exam (if needed)
- Achieve a leadership role within a student organization
- Participate in a Career and Professional Development resume workshop
- Apply for student teaching experience (March 1 or October 1 of the semester before student teaching)
Gateway 4
Student Teaching and Program Completion
Senior Year
- Begin student teaching
- Participate in the mock interview day
- Develop a career search plan
- Submit teaching license application
- Apply for graduation