Teaching and Learning
Clinical II
Clinical II is a semester in which elementary education students take methods courses while also completing a clinical experience, with a partner, in an elementary (K-5) classroom. For most students, this is their first intensive experience in the classroom. Students also participate in an orientation to the program and four large group seminars focusing on different classroom management frameworks or programs.
Designed to prepare students for student teaching, Clinical II helps students grow in ability in regards to planning, teaching, reflecting on, and improving their teaching. Clinical II students begin developing the qualities of a caring intellectual: growing in knowledge, skills, and disposition according to the 10 InTASC Teaching Standards and the 10 Wisconsin Teaching Standards.
Registration Information for Clinical II is sent out after class registration. Please watch your email for this information.
Who takes Clinical?
- Elementary and Double Elementary/Special Education majors take Clinical II as a special part of their program in the semester before student teaching, or for double majors, in the semester before Special Education Moderate to Severe Block.
- Students wishing to register for Clinical II before this time or before completing all required education courses will need special permission.
- Clinical II is also open to students in ESL and Special Education programs.
What courses are included in Clinical II?
As part of Clinical II, students take three methods courses and one clinical experiences in teaching and classroom management course. The courses for Clinical II are as follows:
- ELEM ED 317 (Teaching Social Studies PK-8)
- ELEM ED 407 (Instruction, Assessment, and the Diverse Learner)
- LITERACY 440 (Disciplinary Literacy)
- In methods courses, students study theories, standards, curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment. They also learn to create lesson and unit plans for teaching these subjects in their clinical placements.
- ELEM ED 360 (Clinical Experience II) includes both seminars and clinical experience. Classroom management seminars introduce different frameworks or programs for classroom management, including Conscious Discipline, Love and Logic, and Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS).
What will my clinical experience be like?
During the clinical experience, students observe and assist an elementary teacher one and a half days a week for approximately eight weeks of the semester. During this time, students learn about classroom routines, teaching responsibilities, the needs of elementary learners, and the teaching of mathematics, science, and socials studies through observations and discussions with their cooperating teachers.
Students often lead classroom routines, work with individuals and small groups, and may lead curricular activities. In the second half of the semester, students devote one week to teaching a science unit and another two weeks to teaching a social studies unit. During the semester they will also teach math lessons according to the schedule at their school placement or integrate math lessons with science and/or social studies lessons.
What will my schedule look like for Clinical II?
Students taking Clinical II are required to block out their schedules from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
A complete calendar for the semester will be emailed after registration. Students should pay close attention to this calendar as it will include changes in class times and locations, seminar dates, times and locations, and the clinical placement schedule.
Students not taking all of Clinical II courses are required to attend all class meetings according to the schedule for Clinical II, but are not required to attend activities in clinical placements (classroom management seminars, observations/assistance days in clinical placement, full weeks of teaching in clinical placement, and parent-teacher conferences). Students not taking all of Clinical II should register for the sections they need through Titan Web.
For help registering for these courses, please email teachlearn@uwosh.edu.
Do I need a partner and who will be my partner?
Students taking ELEM ED 360 are required to have a teaching partner. Students only taking methods courses are not required to have a partner.
- Partners must be seeking compatible licensures and similar placement preferences and are required to take the same sections of the Middle School Block Courses. This means that students must partner with someone seeking the same license (e.g., Elementary-Middle School license).
- You will have an opportunity to request a partner when you receive placement information from the Office of Field Experience.
- Students who do not indicate a partner preference will be matched with a compatible partner from the same section.
How do I register for classes in Clinical II?
Clinical II students must enroll themselves in each of the following classes:
- Elem Ed 317, 360, 407, and Literacy440. Elem Ed 317 and Literacy 440 must be same ‘section’. There are multiple ‘sections’ for each class, and if you enroll in Section 001 for 317, you must then enroll in Section 001 for 440.
- If you have a preferred partner in mind, make sure to enroll in the same section as your partner, as students in different sections will not have the opportunity to be paired together.
The Teaching and Learning Department will enroll you in each of the following classes:
- Initially, all students will be enrolled in the same Section for 360, to be split at a later date once field supervisors have been designated.
Who do I contact if I am having problems registering or if I have questions?
Academic Plans
All questions regarding academic plans and courses should be directed to your advisor.
All Other Questions please contact teachlearn@uwosh.edu