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profile photoKathryn Allen, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorLeadership, Literacy, and Social Foundations(920) 424-3159allenk@uwosh.eduClow North N122
profile photoDenise Clark, Ph.D.ProfessorSpecial & Early Childhood Education(920) 424-7032clarkd@uwosh.eduClow North N420
profile photoJoe CookTeaching Assistant ProfessorSpecial & Early Childhood Education(920) 424-7236cookja@uwosh.eduClow North N411
profile photoHassan Elannani, Ph.DAssociate ProfessorLeadership, Literacy, and Social Foundations(920) 424-0882  elannanih@uwosh.eduClow North N620
profile photoTom Fischer, Ph.D.ProfessorSpecial & Early Childhood Education(920) 424-7210fischert@uwosh.eduClow North N419
profile photoJoshua Garrison, Ph.D.ProfessorLeadership, Literacy, and Social Foundations(920) 424-0346garrisoj@uwosh.eduClow North N621
profile photoChris Hendee, M.A.Department AssistantCollege of Education & Human Services(920) 424-0339hendeec@uwosh.eduClow North N127
profile photoBailey Herrmann, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorLeadership, Literacy, and Social Foundations(920) 424-3423herrmanb@uwosh.eduClow North N618
profile photoToni House, Ph.D.ProfessorCounseling and Human Services(920) 424-7238house@uwosh.eduClow North N319
profile photoNari Kim, Ph.D.ProfessorLeadership, Literacy, and Social Foundations(920) 424-7246kimn@uwosh.eduClow North N615
profile photoPam MasseyProfessor; Associate Professor, UW Oshkosh Fox CitiesHuman Kinetics & Health Education(920) 832-2643pam.massey@uwc.eduUW Oshkosh Fox Cities Campus 1111
profile photoMarguerite W. Penick, Ph.D.ProfessorLeadership, Literacy and Social Foundations(920) 424-0359penickm@uwosh.eduClow North N622
profile photoStacey Skoning, Ph.D.ProfessorSpecial & Early Childhood Education(920) 424-7227skonings@uwosh.eduClow North N406
profile photoKyle Steele, Ph.D.Associate Professor, Department ChairLeadership, Literacy, and Social Foundations(920) 424-7231steelek@uwosh.eduClow North N606
profile photoBecky Thorson-RandallDepartment AssistantCollege of Education & Human Services(920) 424-7225thorson@uwosh.eduClow North N128
profile photoLee WatsonAssociate Professor UW Oshkosh -Fond du LacHuman Kinetics & Health Education(920) 929-1381lee.watson@uwc.eduUW Oshkosh-Fond du Lac, Physical Education Building Room 114