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Double Major:
Special Education and Elementary Education

Special Education Cross-categorical Grades 4K to grade 12 & Elementary Education 4K to grade 9

The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s Special Education and Teaching & Learning Programs prepares students to teach in both regular and special education settings.  Students will be prepared to support students identified with a range of abilities. Students will be licensed grades 4K to 12 for Special Education Cross-categorical and 4K to 9 for Elementary Education.

Graduates of UW Oshkosh’s teacher education programs have a strong liberal arts background, a thorough grounding in their content area, and a comprehensive understanding of the art and science of teaching. Completion of this program results in a Bachelor of Science in Education degree.

High-need Licensure

Cross-categorical special education is the highest need licensure area in the State of Wisconsin. The teacher workforce state report for Wisconsin noted

“In 2015–16, 1,969 emergency licenses and emergency permits were issued in Wisconsin, more than double the number issued in 2013–14. This count may underestimate shortages because the state reports data only on emergency licenses and permits issued, and not the total number of teachers uncertified for their teaching assignments.”

The latest numbers of emergency licensed teachers in WI was over 600 issued for just one year in the special education category alone.


* A minor is not required

  • Bilingual Education — Hmong
  • Bilingual Education — Spanish
  • English as a Second Language
  • Environmental Studies
  • French
  • Geography
  • German
  • Health Education
  • History
  • Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • Sociology
  • Spanish
  • Speech Communication


The education program gateways define a pathway for students to ensure they meet program and licensing requirements.

  • GATEWAY 1 - Admission process into the COEHS education program.
  • GATEWAY 2 - Details the program requirements that are in addition to specific coursework.
  • GATEWAY 3 - Applying for a student teaching experience must be completed at the beginning of the semester prior to when you plan to student teach.
  • GATEWAY 4 - Outlines the student teaching experience and steps to program completion.

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