The Three R’s
Reflect Reconnect Renew
Wisconsin K-12 Leadership Conference
Saturday, Nov. 19, 2022
8:30 a.m. – Noon
Culver Family Welcome Center, UW Oshkosh
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh welcomes K-12 teachers and administrators from Wisconsin public schools to reflect on their practice, reconnect with colleagues, and renew their emotional and mental strength.
- Dr. Deb Kerr, Superintendent of St. Francis School District
- Diane Johnson, Superintendent of Two Rivers School District
- Steven Hill, Superintendent of Waupun School District
Cost is $25 per person. Deadline to register is Friday, Nov. 11, 2022.
Hassan Elannani
(920) 424-0882
Keynote Session
THREE R’S: Educators will learn and discuss successful examples from school leaders on how they improved the social and emotional wellbeing of their teachers and staff during the pandemic and post-pandemic periods.
Breakout Session #1
REFLECT: Educators will be able to learn new ways to reflect on the pandemic and post-pandemic challenges in the classroom and beyond the school.
Breakout Session #2
RECONNECT: Educators will be able learn new techniques to help them connect with their peers and to work on collaborative projects for professional growth purposes.
RENEW: Educators will be able learn new strategies to enhance and improve their emotional and mental skills to cope with the pandemic and post-pandemic challenges in the classroom and beyond the school.