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Content Knowledge

Add-On candidates holding a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA upon admission to our program and maintaining a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA in courses taken towards their additional license will be credited with the demonstration of proficient content knowledge.
Add-On candidates who do not hold and maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA must pass the Praxis II subject assessment in the licensure area of their additional license(s) or the appropriate ACTFL exam in order to demonstrate content knowledge proficiency.


WI Licensure Test Code Test Name Qualifying Score


Art: Content Knowledge 158
Health 5551 Health Education 151
English, Journalism, Speech Communication 5038 English Language: Content Knowledge 167
Mathematics 5061 Mathematics: Content Knowledge 160
Music 5113 Music: Content Knowledge 150
Physical Education 5091 Physical Education: Content Knowledge 150
Broadfield Science
Physical Science
Earth & Space Science
Life & Environmental Science 
5435 General Science: Content Knowledge 154
Broadfield Social Science
Political Science
5081 Social Studies: Content Knowledge 153

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) – Foreign Language Majors and Minors are required to take the ACTFL tests for Teacher Licensure. Language Testing International administers these tests.

Contact Us

Center for Additional Teaching Licenses
Clow North 124
(920) 424-3323
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Foundations of Reading Test (FORT) for Wisconsin

The computer-based test assesses proficiency in and understanding of reading and writing content knowledge, literacy development and instruction.

A passing score on the Foundations of Reading Test (FORT) is required for licensure in the state of Wisconsin. That means you will not receive a teaching license unless you pass the FORT (in addition to other licensing requirements).

Educators who are REQUIRED to take the FORT:

  • An educator who holds a provisional teaching license and wants to add on a K-5 regular education, special education or reading teacher license must pass the FORT.
  • An educator who holds a license with unmet statutory stipulations who wants a K-5 regular education, special education or reading teacher license must pass the FORT.

Educators who are NOT required to take the FORT:

  • An educator who holds a life license in the teacher category who wants to add on a K-5 regular education, special education or reading teacher license does not have to take the FORT.
  • An educator who held a life license in K-5 regular education, special education or reading teacher license whose license lapsed or was invalidated does not have to take the FORT.