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As part of a three credit requirement, you are required to submit a portfolio through the lens of a teacher reflection at the completion of your individualized program.

Teacher Reflection
In many ways, the teaching reflection is a unique self-portrait developed around assertions you wish to make about yourself as a teacher. It is a purposeful exercise in reflecting on and conceptualizing your teaching knowledge, skills and dispositions that includes not only your insights about the teaching and learning process but also concrete examples of the ways in which these beliefs are demonstrated in and out of the classroom.

Structure of Teacher Reflection
The Teaching Reflection is a three-step requirement that encompasses the new knowledge, skills and dispositions you have gained through your entire add-on licensure program. It should be a well written, 3-5 page reflection with genuine insights specific to the discipline and/or developmental area of your add-on license.  In addition to the reflection paper, you must submit five artifacts that demonstrate and support the knowledge, skills and/or dispositions described in your personal reflection.

Instructions for the Teaching Reflection – (InTASC Standards)

Portfolio Rubric

Contact Us

Center for Additional Teaching Licenses
Clow North 124
(920) 424-3323
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