Master of Business Administration
Commencement questions? Visit the UW Oshkosh Commencement website.
We make a notation in our database when you register for your last credits of course work and send an all-MBA student email with graduation information during the first week of the semester. If you think you should be graduating in the current semester, but would like verification, please contact the MBA Office.
The online application for graduation can be found on the Graduate Studies website. Note: The MBA Office completed your Candidacy Form.
Graduate Studies will send your diploma and an official degree transcript six to eight weeks after the official end of the 17-week semester. If you haven’t received your diploma and transcript by that time, please contact Graduate Studies.
College of Business
Graduate Programs
Sage Hall, Suite 1608
835 High Avenue
Oshkosh, WI 54901 • (920) 424-0631