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Chancellor’s Study Group: Information Technology

The Implementation Team completed its first draft of recommendations and met with shared governance groups to report findings and recommendations. The full report is available to download as well as a summary list of the recommendations. Click here to view the original report that laid out the optional models and their pros and cons, and view the supporting documents and articles below. The first draft of recommendations was posted to this site on Nov. 18, 2015. Following feedback from constituents, the draft was revised and re-posted Dec. 7. The study group presented the recommendations to the Leadership Council on Wednesday, Dec. 9.

In early 2016, the Chancellor’s Study Group for Information Technology presented their final recommendations to the Chancellor, and the work of the Study Group was complete.

Charge from the Chancellor:

  • Design: Using the models presented by the study group, design an optimal organization.
  • Vet: Vet the design among constituents and governance groups.
  • Develop: Develop a final recommendation, incorporating responses where appropriate.
  • Present: Present the final recommendation for approval and implementation.


Study Group Members:

Articles and Supporting Documents



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