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Chancellor’s Study Group: Financial Business Practices

The Chancellor’s Study Group on Financial Business Processes and Fiscal Management (FBP) was charged with presenting alternative models for organizing FBP at UW Oshkosh and increasing efficiency and effectiveness related to financial business processes and fiscal management (FBP).

Charge from the Chancellor:

  • Study national best practices, including private-sector principles, to optimize financial business processes and fiscal management
  • Gather, from stakeholders across campus, transactional, advisory, analytical, and strategic fiscal management needs and/or concerns
  • Identify resources supporting campus financial business processes and fiscal management, including, but not necessarily limited to, personnel and shadow systems
  • Develop and present two to three new service delivery models and their pros and cons addressing the following goals:
    • Enhancing the efficiency, strategic effectiveness, and quality of financial/budget services
    • Ensuring a comprehensive strategy utilizing concepts such as enabling technology, shared services, process reengineering, process standardization, business process outsourcing, and change in organizational structure
    • Defining competitive positioning of services as it relates to skills and resources
    • Identifying the impact of a new service delivery model
    • Facilitating continuous improvement of core financial business processes and fiscal management

Study Group Members:

  • Jean Kwaterski, Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor and Business Manager, Student Affairs
  • Deborah Matulle, Interim Controller, Finance and Administration
  • Sabina Schiessl, Director of Accounting, Foundation
  • Nathan Stuart, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, College of Business
  • Lori Worm (facilitator), Associate Vice-Chancellor, Finance and Administration



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