For many of us the direction and tempo of our work changes this month. We have a chance in January, however quickly it passes, to take a breath in the middle of the academic year and organize, plan and jumpstart the initiatives and projects that will move our university forward. For faculty it’s often a time to conduct research. For faculty and staff, there may be time to attend a conference to further develop an area of expertise or study the latest and best practices in the field.
Students can participate in a study abroad program, internship or career opportunity. Or take a class!
One of the greatest benefits to students is J-term, formerly winterim. During the accelerated three-week term students can earn credits to move closer to graduation. We’re at the halfway point for the 2023 session, but few universities offer a J-term and this is something to promote in future years with our students. In the long run it helps students save money and graduate on time − or even early.
Several areas on campus don’t take a breath during January, including athletics.
Check out their January schedule, which includes faculty and staff appreciation nights, Clash’s Kids Day, Youth Sports Day, Senior Day, Alumni Day, College of Business night, and, of course, the Welcome Back Bash and Tailgate on Feb. 1. Join me at a game, and stop by and say hi as you help cheer on our Titans.
The UWO Fond du Lac and Fox Cities men’s basketball teams will square off at 6 p.m. Jan. 21 in Kolf. This is a great time to see our access campus teams in action.
Reeve Union also offers activities and events for students this month. Spring semester events will be in full swing beginning Feb. 2 with mentalist Sean Bott at 7 p.m. in the Reeve Ballroom, along with a host of other programs to help students relax while engaging in something fun and new.
Don’t let January fly by without making the most of it
In case you missed it
The Bolt Band was in full form over the weekend. There may be a few faces in here you recognize:
Do you know someone who should join our alumni business network? Read more about this new perk for UWO alumni-led businesses:
Alumni relations launches Alumni-Owned Business Network