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Finalized details for Phase One of our UW Oshkosh Plan for Fiscal Transformation are now available. You can download the plan here: Final Phase One Plan (PDF).

I want to thank the campus community members who offered feedback and input to help us develop the final version of this element of the broader fiscal transformation plan. Over the past two months, we met with college, division and shared governance leaders to strengthen it. We continue to work on Phase Two, relating to budget proposals within Academic Affairs, and Phase Three, involving new revenue-generation proposals.

As I shared in a post earlier this semester, the Phase One central funding transfers and reductions you see in the chart are spread out over three fiscal years, a change we made after faculty and staff member guidance to Interim Provost Koker. We will wind down centrally funded programs and expenditures at UWO by assigning them new college and divisional homes while also enacting reductions. In each fiscal year, we employ three categories of action:

  • “STAY”: Temporarily preserving the central budget item in central funding; in essence, taking no action that particular fiscal year.
  • “TRANSFER”: Shifting the home and responsibility for funding. This may involve a shift to a division or institutional unit (i.e., Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Finance and Administration, etc.) or identifying and assigning an external funding source. If the receiving unit does not, or cannot, fund the transfer, then that unit must cut the activity.
  • “CUT”: Permanently reducing an amount of funding for the activity. Units can restore the funding if they are able to prioritize or find new funding sources.

Again, thank you for your feedback and stewardship as we worked to develop our final Phase One plan. We continue to welcome feedback on Phase Two and Phase Three plan proposals through the form in the lower right of the “Budget Development” page. At that page, you will also find links to past budget-related posts, including Feb. 27 and March 30 faculty forum videos addressing proposed Phase Two details.