COVID-19 Survey
To support our communities as well as the state of Wisconsin during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Center for Customized Research and Services, area chambers of commerce and economic development organizations are coming together with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to collect data and build solutions.
The goal of the project is to create and distribute a data collection tool to businesses in the region who are experiencing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The survey will be available to businesses in all 72 counties and disseminated by Wisconsin’s nine regional EDOs and their local chamber and community partners. The survey will be repeated over several observation periods to better determine the economic impact to businesses over defined periods of time.
The survey results will inform the state and federal support efforts, and the tool will create a better understanding of the issues and problems faced by Wisconsin businesses. The ultimate goal is to measure and assess recovery ability and state and federal aid efforts.
Research Results
The survey is sent to businesses every three weeks, in an effort to gather in-time impacts of COVID-19 as well as to plot changes over time. The results below reflect the most pertinent information from the most recent evaluation of the data. If you are interested in more detailed information, contact the UWO Center for Customized Research and Services at ccrs@uwosh.edu.
The August 2021 COVID-19 survey is the seventeenth and final survey in the series. It generated responses from 208 Wisconsin businesses and was collected between August 5 and August 23. All data is reported voluntarily.
Do you want to be involved?
If you’re a Wisconsin business owner and would like more information on the survey results or other CCRS services, please complete this form.
We Need Your Help!
Are you a UWO faculty or staff member willing to provide content or advice related to COVID-19 disruption to businesses?
Please note, results are preliminary and represent self-submitted data. Continuous updates will be published on this site as additional data is submitted.