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(920) 424-1113

Current Projects

CCDET, a department of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, collaboratively developed several programs for which we provide ongoing training or supportive services. Visit the links below to learn the details of our current projects and to register for training.

DHS Alzheimer’s Disease Program Initiative

In partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and funded through a grant with the Administration for Community Living, we are providing Spanish translation services for a family caregiver dementia training that is currently available only in English. These training materials will also be converted to an online training format.

Truancy Intervention Program (TIP)

In partnership with Winnebago County, TIP supports Oshkosh area students who are experiencing problems with school attendance. By voluntarily participating in this program, students and their family have an opportunity to avoid formalized court proceedings.

Wisconsin Caregiver Training Project

Through this project, developed with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Division of Quality Assurance (DQA), we provide continuing education commonly required for most healthcare providers regulated by DQA.

Wisconsin Dementia Care Project

In partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) we developed and provide dementia training for those caring for individuals living with memory loss. The training is offered to healthcare providers and crisis responders as well as community and family members.

Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF)

In collaboration with DCF, we provide training and learning management services related to the administration of work support programs such as Wisconsin Works (W-2) and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). Additionally, we provide learning management services to the Bureau of Child Support and Bureau of Early Learning and Policy.

Wisconsin’s Functional Screener Program

In collaboration with the Department of Health Services (DHS), we provide registration services and learning management services for Wisconsin Functional Screeners to access online training. We also provide testing services every other year for Wisconsin Functional Screeners. Services include test registration, building test to specifications, opening test window for specific period of time, technical support and final reporting.

New Hampshire Needs Caregivers! Initiative

In partnership with the New Hampshire Health Care Association (NHHCA) this project launched in May 2020. NHHCA is assisting 700 people to find funding to go through Nurse Aide training and testing in an effort to increase the number entering this career field. We are providing survey tools, tracking and reporting for this project.

NC Caregivers 

In partnership with FutureCare of North Carolina, Inc., this project launched in July 2021. Funding for Nurse Aide training and testing will be provided for 4,000 people. We are providing survey tools, tracking and reporting for this project.

Respite Care Association of Wisconsin

In partnership with Respite Care Association of Wisconsin (RCAW), we are providing a number of different services for a variety of projects. CCDET is facilitating focus groups and compiling a final report containing all of the data collects. We are developing evaluations that will be sent to individuals at 3-months, 6-months and 1-year after completing an instructor led training program. CCDET is also providing Spanish translation services for online training modules developed by RCAW.