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Professional Skills Courses

One of the most important attributes employers look for in entry-level employees is professional work experience. More than 80% of students who are involved in a professional work experience are offered a full-time position with that company upon graduation, or because of this relevant experience have a job before graduation with another company.

These courses are recommended if you are beginning to prepare for professional internships and relevant work experience—i.e. sophomores seeking internships and juniors and seniors preparing for a job search. Through a process of learning about career planning and implementation, you will gain knowledge of how to effectively search for careers that are personally and professionally satisfying.

Take a Professional Skills Course (1 cr.)

Prepare for internships. Plan for a personally and professionally satisfying career. Career & Professional Development will help get you started. Practice resume writing, conducting company research, internship/job searching, networking, interviewing and professional branding.

Upon completing a professional skills course, students are:

  • Equipped: Students will be able to utilize career development tools to succeed in a professional setting
  • Confident: Students will be able to articulate how their education and experiences connect to their career goals. They will also be able to identify how their strengths and skills apply in a professional setting
  • Connected: Students will be able to use their networking skills to build professional relationships

Course offerings

PC 202: Career Planning & Implementation

(PRF CNSL 202)

Open to all majors

ENGR: 284 Professional Skills in Engineering

Engineering Technology 284 – Professional Skills in Engineering

This course is required as you prepare for professional co-ops, internships, and/or full-time job opportunities. This course will expose students to the expectations of a professional work environment and help you learn to balance field and office responsibilities. The exploration of engineering-related professions will help students identify both personally and professionally satisfying opportunities. The course will also explore interviewing, social media, presentation, and personal conduct at the work place.

IS208: Professional Career Skills in Math & Natural Sciences


Prerequisites: 45 credits completed and a declared major in:

IS 209: Professional Skills in the Social Sciences


Prerequisites: 45 credits completed and declared major in:

HSL 204: Professional Skills in Human Services Leadership

(HUMAN SV 204)


  • 45 credits completed
  • Declared major in Human Services Leadership

BUS 240: Professional Skills in Business


College of Business course requirement


  • 36 credits completed (and either Economics 204 or 206 and a combined GPA of 2.4)

Recommended to be taken one semester prior to admittance to the College of Business. Special course fees may apply.

Career & Professional Development

(920) 424-2181

Student Success Center, Suite 125
750 Elmwood Ave.
Oshkosh, WI 54901

Oshkosh Campus

  • M–F: 7:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Fox Cities Campus Advisor Hours

  • Fox Cities Hours:
  • Schedule appointments via Handshake
  • Services only offered when classes are in session during the fall and spring terms.