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Hire a Titan! On-Campus Interviews

Get a jump-start on your career. Interview for a job or internship without leaving campus. All interviews are held in Career & Professional Development office unless otherwise noted. Sign up on Handshake.

Did you know? Career & Professional Development had about 75 companies schedule on-campus interviews for internships & jobs separately from the career fair last semester? Those interviews are held throughout the semester, all YOU need to do is check out who is coming and request an interview!

Benefits for students:

  • Identify careers that match your interests, values and skills
  • Apply and interview; job offers may be presented
  • Learn about top local employers. Interview for full-time, part-time, internship and co-op positions
  • Interact in face-to-face interviews
  • Gain interview experience throughout your academic career
  • Accommodate your busy school schedule

Watch your email inbox for our weekly email update, which includes a comprehensive list of employers hosting on-campus interviews, information tables and information sessions.

Instructions for on-campus interviewing:

  • Interviews are held in Career & Professional Development, Student Success Center, Room 125.
  • Please arrive at least ten minutes prior to your scheduled interview time.
  • Be sure to dress professionally. If you need professional dress, stop by the Career Closet to check out the inventory. Remember, students may take 4 items per semester, to keep for FREE.
  • Should you need to cancel your on-campus interview, you must do so at least 48 hours before your scheduled interview time. This can be done via the interview schedule found in Handshake. Candidates having trouble cancelling their interview should contact Career & Professional Development as soon as possible at (920) 424-2181.
  • Interviews canceled less than 48 hours before the scheduled interview will result in you being blocked from your Handshake account. Contact Career & Professional Development on how to reactivate your account at (920) 424-2181. It is not appropriate professional etiquette to cancel on short notice.

Career & Professional Development

(920) 424-2181

Student Success Center, Suite 125
750 Elmwood Ave.
Oshkosh, WI 54901

Oshkosh Campus

  • M–F: 7:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Fox Cities Campus Advisor Hours

  • Fox Cities Hours:
  • Schedule appointments via Handshake
  • Services only offered when classes are in session during the fall and spring terms.