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“Hire a Titan! On-campus Recruiting

Career & Professional Development works with both the employer and the students to set-up the interview schedule, confirm times, and coordinate the aspects of the day. This is a service designed to be equally as accommodating to the employer as it is to the student, by providing a smooth process for the employer and an opportunity for the student to interview on-campus!

Request a room and a schedule via Handshake.

Employer Benefits

  • Free service for all organizations
  • Gives you a competitive edge on hiring
  • Hire faster and smarter at no cost
  • Identify and screen qualified candidates
  • Face-to-face interviews
  • Opportunity to meet with multiple students the same day
  • Allow opportunities to recruit students for full-time, part-time, internship and co-op positions
  • Provide awareness of your company to students and alumni at UW Oshkosh
  • Announce your recruiting schedule to the entire student body


Hire a Titan! On-campus Interview Days

Career & Professional Development offers on campus interview rooms.  Sign up for Hire a Titan! On-campus Interviews and receive additional campus-wide marketing via weekly emails!


How to Request a Schedule

  1. Click the Handshake link to log in.
  2. Click on the Interviews tab in the menu on the left.
  3. In the upper right hand corner you’ll see “Request Interview Schedule” click to request.
  4. Complete the “Basics” tab and continue
  5. Complete the “Timeline” tab and continue
  6. Complete the “Job” tab and continue
  7. Complete the “Review” tab and continue
  8. Click “Save”
  9. You will receive an email with a room assignment when the interview is approved.
  10.  Promote your job.  Target qualified candidates in Handshake with the search and message functions.  Here is more information on applicant and interview management.


Campus Parking

Please park where indicated in your confirmation email. For location references, see Career & Professional Development parking map.



Career & Professional Development

(920) 424-2181

Student Success Center, Suite 125
750 Elmwood Ave.
Oshkosh, WI 54901

Oshkosh Campus

  • M–F: 7:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Fox Cities Campus Advisor Hours

  • Fox Cities Hours:
  • Schedule appointments via Handshake
  • Services only offered when classes are in session during the fall and spring terms.