Policies and FAQs
- Tutoring sessions are scheduled in 60-minute blocks.
- Tutoring sessions have a 90-minute maximum length.
- Students may schedule a total of 5 hours of tutoring per week.
- For high-demand courses such as biology, chemistry, and math courses, students are allowed to schedule a total of 2 hours of tutoring sessions per week.
- Some high demand courses are also held as small groups with 3-5 students.
- We want to be able to provide services to as many students as possible while allowing tutors to balance their own school and work schedules.
- Students may only schedule appointments with one tutor at a time for each course they are being tutored for.
- For the consideration of our tutors’ schedules please:
- Arrive on-time to your appointment, if you are more than 10 minutes late, the tutor is permitted to leave and it is not required to reschedule the appointment to another time.
- Provide at least a 12-hour notice of the need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. For your consideration, we ask the same of our tutors.
- Tutors and clients are asked to sign a contract for recurring sessions that outline both the client’s and the tutor’s responsibilities, including but not limited to:
- Cancellation or no-show policies.
- Tutors are unable to provide answers to graded assignments or complete a client’s homework.
- Tutoring does not take the place of attending class; it is a supplement to personal study time.
- Client’s goals for their grade in the course.
What is the difference between one-on-one and group tutoring?
One-on-one tutoring is available for all courses tutoring is offered for with the exception of courses being tutored in small groups. With one-on-one tutoring, you will meet individually with a tutor for assistance with your course material.
Group tutoring is available for a select group of the courses we offer tutoring for, such as chemistry, biology, physics, and math. With these sessions you will be meeting with a tutor and up to four other students in the same course. These students may or may not be known to you.
Where does tutoring occur?
All tutoring sessions are held in the Center. If there are concerns with computer software or models needed to review while tutoring that we do not have available, please reach out to the staff with your specific concern. Any tutoring done outside of our Center must have Director approval.
Can I be tutored every day?
You can be tutored for a total of 5 hours a week and for no more than 90 minutes in any one tutoring session.
How long does it take to get a tutor?
If we have a tutor available for the course you are looking for assistance in, you can schedule an appointment as soon as 18 hours from now or as far in advance as 7 days by clicking on the “Find a Tutor” link below or heading to Navigate from the UWOsh home page or your Navigate app.
If we do not have a tutor available for the course you are looking for assistance in and it is one we support, please fill out the tutor request form. We will recruit a tutor for the course and provide you with feedback on what steps we are taking during our search. Another option is to inform you about alternative assistance if it is provided at another location on campus.
Recruiting tutors for new courses can happen within minutes or may take several weeks. Some of our current tutors are able to add additional courses to tutor and are already trained and ready to assist right away. Finding new tutors varies in duration due to the number of students that have taken the course and are still on campus, when the course was last offered, our eligibility requirements, response time to emails from both students and faculty, and students’ interest and/or availability to be a tutor. The student may also need to complete hiring paperwork (with employment approval required by Human Resources) and four hours of tutor training before they would be available to tutor.
Although we make every attempt to recruit tutors based on need, please be aware that this is not always possible.
How do I schedule a session?
One-on-one tutoring: To find a tutor, select the link below and follow the instructions on the page.
Find a Tutor
Biology 212, Chemistry 101, 102, 106, Physics 171 and 191 Tutoring: Use the Find a Tutor link above. Due to high demand for tutoring in these courses, these will be held as small groups with 1-5 students per group.
What should I bring to my session?
Lecture Notes and/or PowerPoint Slides
Questions on the material
Why is the tutor and SI information not available until a week before classes start?
We want to be respectful of everyone’s time and needs when utilizing our services. At this time, our tutors are responsible for coordinating their tutoring session times with each student who contacts them for assistance into their open availability. Although we appreciate your initiative to plan ahead, we cannot guarantee the response time of any employee outside of this time frame.
With 10-20 SI Leaders each semester, we work diligently to coordinate the best possible location and times to provide the review sessions for each course offered. This coordination is completed with other departments, the leaders, and the availability of rooms. We want to take the necessary time to confirm all details before they are posted online to avoid any confusion with changes that may occur before they are confirmed.
What if there are no tutors available for my class on the tutor list?
If there are no tutors available for the class we support, you can submit a tutoring request form (link provided below).
We try our best to fulfill these requests, but are not always able to do so. In the event that we are not able to find a tutor to help you, below are some additional options you can consider:
Speak with your professor
Visit the department’s website to see if they offer any academic support services
Speak with classmates to see if you can form a study group together
Some departments do offer their own tutoring services during the fall and spring semesters. Please check their websites or contact them for more information.
Geology Department
Mathematics Department
Accounting Department
Economics Department
Physics Department
I’m taking a UWO class at my high school. Can I get a tutor here?
Yes, as long as the course is offered through UWO you are able to receive tutoring in our Center. Please be aware that you will need to either conduct the session online or meet in person at the Center. If a tutor is not available for your course please let us know so we can determine if it may be possible to hire and recruit someone.
Student Success Center, Suite 102
750 Elmwood Ave
Open Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am - 7:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tutoring is online / in-person.
Contact Us