Office Assistant Application We have filled all Office Assistant positions for the Fall 2023 semester.Any new applications will be contacted regarding position availability. Office Assistants are currently only hired for the Oshkosh campusDate* MM slash DD slash YYYY Name:* First Middle Initial Last Phone Number:*UWO Email Address:* Student ID:* Which campus do you attend?* Oshkosh Fox Cities Fond du Lac Do you live on or off campus?* On campus Off campus Have you utilized the services in CAR before?* Yes No Are you a citizen of the United States* Yes No If no, are you authorized to work in the United States? Yes No Have you ever been convicted of a felony?* Yes No If yes, please explain.Have you ever or do you currently work for University of Wisconsin Oshkosh?* Yes No If so, when and where? Eligible for Work Study?* Yes No Employment is not dependent on work study eligibilityWhat is your cumulative GPA (#.###):* What is your major?* Anticipated Graduation Semester* Fall Spring Summer Anticipated Graduation Year* How many hours would you like to work per week in this position?*0-3 hours3-6 hours6-9 hours9-12 hoursIndicate availability below for the semester (Fall 2023) you are applying to work:*Day of WeekTimes available Please rate your proficency in using Microsoft Office applications (ex. Outlook Mail and Calendars, Excel, Word, etc)* Not used often Somewhat Moderate Proficient Other - note in comments Comments:How did you hear about this opportunity?*Word of MouthSign/flier/campus visionHandshakeEmail from car@uwosh.eduPlease send any additional documents (resume/cover letter) that you'd like to share to EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ