Faculty Page

Welcome to the Center for Academic Resources Faculty Page!
This page includes answers to the most common questions we receive from faculty. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions you may have.
Q: What services are provided by the Center for Academic Resources?
A. The Center for Academic Resources provides tutoring and Supplemental Instruction services for undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. We are funded by Differential Tuition, so students can receive free one-on-one and small group tutoring for select 100 and 200 level courses on campus. Supported courses are based on the highest demand. We also provide Supplemental Instruction (SI), which consists of regular review sessions for selected 100 and 200 level courses led by SI Leaders. The classes supported with SI are chosen based on need – typically historically difficult courses with high enrollment. SI Leaders help the students review course materials and share strategies that they used to be successful in the course so that students can learn more efficiently.
Q: What should I say about CAR tutoring in my syllabus?
A. The Center for Academic Resources (CAR) provides one-to-one and small group tutoring for many courses on campus at no additional cost. Both online and in-person options are available to students. CAR tutors have earned high grades in the courses they tutor and are faculty recommended. Tutors can help students organize and understand course content in addition to strengthening overall study skills. Please visit the CAR website for more information and how to access tutoring: https://www.uwosh.edu/car/
Q: Can tutoring be done from any location?
A. All in-person tutoring is done in our Center. If there are any concerns with available software or models needed to review while tutoring that we do not have available, please reach out to the staff with your specific concerns. Any in-person tutoring done outside of our Center must have Director approval. Online tutoring takes place through Zoom, and the CAR staff is able to monitor these sessions for accountability.
Q: How do I help students from my course get a tutor?
A. Tutoring can be scheduled by students through Navigate, similar to how they can schedule an appointment with their advisor. Links to this page can be found on the “Peer Tutoring” page. If a tutor is unavailable for one of the courses we support, please have the student email us at car@uwosh.edu so we can help assist them.
Q: What is the process for finding a tutor if one is not available?
A. If we do not have a tutor available for a course, we are alerted by a student’s request for a tutor through the Tutor Request form or a request via email, phone, or in person. We then begin the search for a tutor for the course. Throughout the process, we provide feedback on what steps we are taking during our search. We also inform students about alternative assistance if it is provided at another location on campus. The process for filling a tutor request may take a few days up to a few weeks based on availability and training. Finding new tutors varies in duration due to the number of students that have taken the course and are still on campus, when the course was last offered, our eligibility requirements, response time to emails from both students and faculty, and students’ interest and/or availability to be a tutor. Students may also need to complete hiring paperwork (with employment approval required by Human Resources) and 4.5 hours of tutor training before they would be available to tutor.
Q: Why is the tutor information not available until a week before classes start?
A. We want to be respectful of everyone’s time and needs when utilizing our services. Many of our tutors may be unaware of their final schedule and availability prior to the week before classes start. Additionally, we want to respect their time and employment terms, meaning that they are not expected to respond to tutoring requests until the start of the semester.
Q: What are the criteria for students to be eligible to be a tutor and/or SI Leader?
A. To become a tutor or SI Leader at the Center for Academic Resources, students must meet several requirements. Students must:
- Have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
- Have earned a B+ or higher in the course(s) they are tutoring
- Be enrolled in at least 6 undergraduate credits or 4.5 graduate credits
- Secure a recommendation from the instructor who teaches or has taught the course
We also look for professional skills such as good oral and written communication, organizational skills, and learning techniques. We are always looking for tutor and SI Leader recommendations. Please feel free to recommend a student using the form below. Recommendations are appreciated at any time.
Q: What kind of training do tutors and SI Leaders receive?
A. Tutors receive 4.5 hours of training. 2 hours are online and 2.5 hours are on campus. Tutor training topics include, but are not limited to: how to conduct a session, learning and study strategies, communication skills, and how to ask questions and provide feedback. SI Leaders receive between 6-10 hours of training, dependent on whether they are a new or returning Leader. In training, SI Leaders learn how to plan for a session, how to successfully lead a session, and how to facilitate strategies that help students actively engage with the material. Additionally, each Leader attends a thirty-minute small-group meeting each week with other Leaders in their content area and the program supervisor for continued training and professional development.
Q: Does CAR offer tutoring to CAPP classes or classes taken at other local higher learning institutions?
A. Yes, as long as the course is offered through UWO students are able to receive tutoring in our Center. Please be aware that they will need to either conduct the session online or meet in person at the Center. If a tutor is not available for the course please encourage the student to let us know so we can determine if it may be possible to hire and recruit someone.
Q: Are there any minimum or maximum number of tutoring hours available?
A. For high-demand courses (such as biology, chemistry, or math), students are allowed to schedule a total of 2 hours of tutoring sessions per week. For other courses, students can be tutored for a total of 5 hours a week. Each tutoring session should last no more than 90 minutes. We want to keep our services available to every student and keep them effective (not a study hall). Furthermore, at various times our Center is at maximum capacity with the need to use attached or nearby meeting/classroom space to accommodate everyone using the services. Students who attend SI sessions are available to receive a maximum of 5 hours of tutoring in addition to their SI attendance. Session attendance is anonymous and does not affect the maximum hours of individual or small-group tutoring.
Student Success Center, Suite 102
750 Elmwood Ave
Open Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am - 7:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tutoring is online / in-person.
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