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CAPP courses are actual college courses, where students may request an official UW Oshkosh transcript. Whereas Advanced Placement (AP) courses are essentially advanced high school-level courses, after which you take an exam that may or may not earn college credit upon admission.

With CAPP you are emerged in the pace, rigor and curriculum of a university course including the exams, papers, lab reports, etc., unlike Advanced Placement (AP) which offers a single, high-stakes test. With a CAPP course you are fully participating in a college course.

The Department of Public Instruction reports that in the state of Wisconsin only 20.6 percent of AP students receive a passing score (three, four or five); credit recognition is still not guaranteed. However, 98-99 percent of CAPP students receive credit from UW Oshkosh. Most CAPP students are successful in earning credit recognition for these credits at their college or university.

Student Requirements


High School students must meet one of the following requirements to be eligible to enroll:

  • Class rank in top 30 percent
  • GPA of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale


  • Any student who takes an AP course and/or exam

Type of Course


  • University course listed in official course catalogue, syllabus reviewed by university department faculty
  • Students held to same standard of achievement as university
  • Both UW Oshkosh and CAPP are accredited (by North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships respectively)
  • Offers 80 different courses and growing


  • Curriculum suggested, syllabus reviewed by Development Committee
  • College-level course taught in high school to prepare student for AP national exams
  • Supported by College Board
  • Offers 34 different courses and 24 different exams

Credits Earned


  • Student earns college and high school credit immediately upon successful completion of the course
  • Credit appears on official UW Oshkosh transcript
  • Multiple and varied assessments throughout course
  • Almost all CAPP students, 99%, earn credit for course
  • Credit recognition by most of the 2,500 colleges in U.S.
  • Majority of credit recognition is for actual college courses (versus general elective)
  • Retroactive credits granted for Foreign Language students earning a B or better (earning up to 16 credits with course)


  • Earn high school credit and grade based on performance in a high school course
  • College credit based on summative assessment
  • Score of 4 or 5 generally needed for exemption or credit at colleges & universities. Occasionally 3 accepted for general elective credit.
  • According to the College Board, the Wisconsin average score was 3.13 (2012 data).
  • Wisconsin DPI reported that 20.6% of students taking the AP Exam earn a passing score (3 or higher).
  • Transferable to some schools that will not take dual credit (Harvard, Notre Dame, Wabash, etc.)
  • Many private schools beginning to reject AP credit

Parent and Student Support


  • Assistance with transfer issues, registration, and general questions
  • Exposure to college: Campus visits, faculty visits, email access, computer learning environment supports, etc.
  • Access to on campus resources (Polk Library)
  • Access and borrowing privileges at other UW System libraries


  • None

Cost to Student


  • Student fees are $110 per credit (for 2024-25 – compared to more than $300 per credit plus fees for UW on campus courses)
  • Students eligible for free or reduced lunch (federal determination) receive a cost reduction


  • Approximately $90 or more per exam and no guarantee of college credit

Teacher Qualifications


  • High school teachers who have been approved by the university academic department
  • Qualifications are set by university academic department – must have Master’s degree
  • Discipline-specific professional development with post- secondary faculty required for NACEP accreditation


  • High school teachers selected by the high school
  • No educational or professional background requirements set by AP
  • Participation in workshops and conferences strongly encouraged but not required

Teacher Support


  • Training sessions and mentoring from university professor at no expense to teacher required for NACEP accreditation
  • Annual professional development workshop at no expense to teacher
  • Teacher appointed Adjunct Lecturer at UWO
  • Classroom visit from UWO faculty every semester during the time the course is taught
  • UWO graduate course reimbursement
  • Professional development funds available each year
  • University resources and programs available
  • Cost = none


  • Workshop taught by college professor: workshop fee charged due to Educational Testing Service
  • Participation in workshops and conferences encouraged but not required
  • Online training, consultants available
  • Cost = AP workshop fee, unless school pays

School Support


  • Direct connection to UW Oshkosh
  • Professional development opportunities to assist teachers finish degree in order to teach CAPP
  • Clearinghouse for information about university, state level, & national level issues
  • Guarantee of program quality through national accreditation of National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP)
  • Cost = One day’s substitute pay for teachers attending the annual workshops and transportation for campus visits


  • Student test scores validate student ability; no validation for program as a whole
  • Cost = None, unless school elects to pay teacher AP workshop fees

Benefits to School


  • Collegial connections and program articulation between high school and college
  • Save on Early College Credit Program (ECCP) costs
  • Provide the most competitive opportunities for your students and make your district more attractive to outside students due to rigor and unique programming


  • Provide opportunities for your students

Contact Us

Phone: (920) 424-3003
Fax: (920) 424-3125

UW Oshkosh CAPP

Hours: M–F 7:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Location: Swart 128 (within COLS Dean's Suite)

Mailing Address

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
800 Algoma Blvd
Oshkosh, WI 54901