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Liaisons are faculty members from UW Oshkosh who serve as mentors to the adjunct high school instructors approved by their UWO academic department to teach CAPP courses. They help with the oversight and support of the quality and alignment of CAPP courses (see requirements listed below). Liaisons are compensated and reimbursed for travel. Each year liaisons receive a contract with the CAPP Office at the Fall Liaison Meeting that details the high schools, adjuncts and courses he or she is responsible for that year.

New liaisons: Please make an appointment with the CAPP Academic Director for a new liaison orientation session. This meeting will be in person or on Teams and will last approximately 1 hour.


Requirements for Being a Liaison

  • Mentor adjunct teachers by visiting them in their classrooms at least once per course AND conduct at least one other visit with your adjunct in a manner that is mutually agreeable to you and your adjunct. First-year adjuncts must have a Peer Evaluation done during the first semester the course is offered and a second visit before the class ends.

  • Complete site visit reports for each visit and submit to CAPPlink by end the CAPP course.

  • Participate in the annual Fall Faculty Liaison Meeting.

  • Attend the annual Spring Professional Development Workshop and prepare a 3-hour professional development discipline specific session for your adjuncts. This may be done in conjunction with other liaisons in your department as long as the overall workshop is approved by the CAPP Office.

  • Ensure that the off-campus CAPP section of the campus-based course is comparable in quality and in alignment in all areas. This would include, but not be limited to:

  • Collaboration with adjunct instructor on course outline/syllabus (see course template of required elements).

  • Collect final draft of syllabi and send to CAPP office by week 4 of the semester.

  • Determine if content, pedagogy and assessment are congruent with campus course.

  • Assist adjunct faculty with determining eligibility for special students that do not meet current CAPP admission guidelines and approving these CAPP students with teacher recommendation.

  • Define testing procedures, using comparable (if not identical) examinations as that of a campus-based course.

  • Maintain on-going collaborative communication with the adjunct.

  • Decide if you and your adjuncts will offer an on-campus student visit day. If you decide to have a visit day, work with your adjunct teacher and the CAPP office to plan and oversee the implementation of the visit day.

  • If at all possible, participate in campus visits when your adjunct(s) and their class(es) visit campus.

  • Write supporting letters or provide on campus syllabi (or assist in other manners) for students encountering difficulty in securing recognition of their UW Oshkosh credits earned through CAPP.

  • Inform adjunct of on-campus professional development activities that may be of interest to them or of departmental/program activities, contests, clubs that may be of interest to CAPP students.

  • Comply with all NACEP accreditation policies and requirements. Supply necessary documentation for reaccreditation.


Liaison Non-Compliance

CAPP liaisons are considered in non-compliance of CAPP and University policies for any of the following reasons:

  • failure to create, organize and attend the annual discipline-specific professional development workshop
  • failure to conduct course site visits and complete site visit evaluation forms on CAPPlink
  • failure to provide the second meaningful contact and CAPPlink report
  • failure to complete all necessary administrative duties for CAPP including syllabus oversight and submitting approve syllabi to the CAPP office
  • failure to communicate consistently with CAPP adjunct responding to questions and providing any updates
  • failure to attend the Liaison Fall Meeting
  • failure to provide materials requested by the CAPP Office, for example, required evidence for NACEP reaccreditation
  • other circumstances not described above, as determined by the CAPP Co-Director and Dean of College of Letters and Science.

CAPP liaisons found in non-compliance after discussion with the CAPP Office and, in some cases, with the Academic Department Chair and the COLS Dean, will be given a probationary year with an improvement plan or discontinued, depending on the actions that resulted in non-compliance.



Additional Opportunities for Compensation

  1. Consider conducting a professional development opportunity (course or workshop) for graduate credit with first-year CAPP adjuncts. If you do decide to offer a professional development opportunity, adjuncts need not participate—unless completing a directed study is a condition that needs to be met by an adjunct who has been accepted provisionally. The work performed by adjuncts is defined by the faculty liaison. CAPP faculty liaisons could request CAPP adjuncts to complete a variety of assignments, including keeping a reflective journal of their first year of teaching and writing a research paper pertinent to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh course.
  2. Consider developing a longer summer workshop, series of workshops, or independent study for graduate credit designed to strengthen the skills of existing adjuncts or to develop new adjuncts. The content of these workshops should be approved by the corresponding department, as needed, and necessary for adjunct approval.
  3. Consider teaching an online section of your course, or a new course for CAPP students.

If you are interested in becoming a liaison

  • If your Department currently has courses being taught for CAPP, contact your Department Chair.
  • If your Department currently does not have courses being taught for CAPP, contact the CAPP office: We would be happy to work with you to reach out to high schools to offer your courses.


Site Visit Reports – completed after each visit with adjunct, available through CAPPlink homepage

Liaison Handbook click here to open


Contact Us

Phone: (920) 424-3003
Fax: (920) 424-3125

UW Oshkosh CAPP

Hours: M–F 7:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Location: Swart 128 (within COLS Dean's Suite)

Mailing Address

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
800 Algoma Blvd
Oshkosh, WI 54901