High Schools
CAPP high schools enter into a contractual agreement with the University to offer UW Oshkosh courses and hire teachers who have master’s degrees in their discipline or an education-related area to teach college-level CAPP classes. These teachers must be approved by the academic department at the University and work closely with a university liaison professor.
Click here to see which high schools are partnering with CAPP.
High School Benefits
- Collegial connections between high school and university instructors.
- Program articulation between high school and college.
- The opportunity to collaborate with university faculty to prepare students for college courses.
- Response to community concerns for gifted education.
- Reduced curricular redundancy.
Student Benefits
For students the advantages are numerous. Besides providing dual credit, cost savings on college credits and the opportunity to test the rigors of college course work, CAPP offers:
- An alternative to senior doldrums.
- A transition and gradual introduction to university study while remaining with high school peers.
- More scheduling flexibility when enrolling at a university.
- Earlier completion of general education requirements.
- Demonstration of academic seriousness to university admissions officials.
- Possible early completion of a college degree program.
- More
CAPP Partnership Badge
- Save this image to your computer (right click and save or clicking on image will take you to full image size).
- When inserting the image on your school district’s website, link the image to direct students and parents to our home page.
Contact Us
Phone: (920) 424-3003
Fax: (920) 424-3125
Email: capp@uwosh.edu
UW Oshkosh CAPP
Hours: M–F 7:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
New location: Swart 128 (within COLS Dean's Suite)
Mailing Address
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
800 Algoma Blvd
Oshkosh, WI 54901