Course Offerings
Geology 506 1 (crs.)
X-Ray Mineralogy
Principles of X-ray diffraction and their application to mineral studies using powder methods. Prerequisite: Geology 205. 306/506 (0+2)
Geology 507 3 (crs.)
Optical Mineralogy
Theory and practice of mineral identification using the petrographic microscope. Prerequisite: Geology 206. 307/507 (2+3)
Geology 508 3 (crs.)
The character and origin of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory examination of thin sections of igneous and metamorphic rocks with a petrographic microscope. Prerequisite: Geology 205. 308/508 (2+2) (Spring-odd years)
Geology 511 3 (crs.)
Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis
Application of stratigraphic concepts to the study of basin evolution and the genesis and architecture of sedimentary rock successions. Discussion of the tectonic evolution of basins, principles of stratigraphic correlation, interpretation of terrestrial and marine depositional systems, sequence stratigraphy, event stratigraphy, stratigraphic modeling, and hydrocarbon systems. Laboratory experiments with outcrop sample suites, core and subsurface geophysical data sets. Field trips to describe and interpret local sedimentary rock succession. Prerequisite: Geology 206. 311/511 (2+2) (Spring-odd years)
Geology 514 3 (crs.)
Sedimentology: Environments Through Time
Study and interpretation of environments through time. Analysis of sediments, sedimentary rocks, and their physical, chemical, and biological aspects. Includes study of factors that drive environmental, climate, and sea-level change. Prerequisite: Previous lab science course. Special fees may apply. 314/514 (2+2) (Fall)
Geology 515 1 (crs.)
Sedimentary Petrology
Description, classification and interpretation of sedimentary rocks in hand specimen and thin section. Prerequisites: Geology 314. 315/515 (0+3) (Spring-odd years) Special fees may apply
Geology 522 3 (crs.)
Mineral Deposits
Principles that govern the accumulation of the metallic ores. Consideration of the geology and genetic processes associated with a variety of metallic ore deposits. A field trip to one of several mining areas and/or areas currently being explored for mineral deposits in the Lake Superior area is required. Prerequisite: Geology 206. (2+2) 322/522 (Fall odd years)
Geology 523 3 (crs.)
Minerals, Energy, Environment
A course in environmental and economic geologic principles as they relate to society’s quest for earth materials for various applications. Interactive lectures and a field trip to review geologic processes that lead to mineral and energy resource deposit formation and redistribution. Students will learn scientific approaches to mineral and energy exploration, and review global and local economic and environmental factors that influence energy and metals markets driving these industries. Special attention will be given to environmental topics by examining the long and short-term environmental impacts for specific case studies of historic and modern mining and energy resource development. Prerequisites: Geol 102, Geol 150, or Geol 110; Recommended: Chemistry 105.
Geology 526 3 (crs.)
Geophysics & Geotectonics
Application of principles of physics to the study of the earth. Discussion of plate tectonics theory, and nature and distribution of regional scale tectonic features of the earth, such as mountain belts. Laboratory use of certain geophysical instruments, field trips, and problems involving reduction and interpretation of geophysical data. Prerequisites: Mathematics 108 or equivalent; Geology 102 or 110 or 150. Strongly recommended: Geology 331. Special fees may apply. 326/526 (2+2) (Spring-even years)
Geology 528 3 (crs.)
Basic phenomena and conditions of the oceans, development of the science of oceanography, structure of the ocean basins, chemistry and physics of sea water, circulation of oceans, life in the sea and the deposits on the floor of the sea. Prerequisite: Eight units (crs.) of lab science. (3+0) 328/528 (Spring)
Geology 531 3 (crs.)
Structural Geology & Tectonics
Introduction to principles of rock deformation, description and interpretation of geologic structures, and geotectonic processes. Laboratory exercises using methods for structural analysis. Field trip required. Prerequisites: Geology 102, 110 or 150. Recommended: Math 106 or 108. Special fees may apply. 331/531 (2+2) (Spring)
Geology 535 3 (crs.)
Glacial Geology
The origin, movement, and decay of glaciers; landforms developed by glaciers; the glacial succession and associated environmental changes; and the economic aspects of glaciation. One field trip required. Prerequisite: Geology 102 or Geology 110 or Geology 150. 335/535 (2 + 2) (Fall-odd years) Special fees may apply.
Geology 555 3 (crs.)
Geology of Wisconsin
The Precambrian, Paleozoic and Pleistocene history of Wisconsin and surrounding area, emphasizing the nature and chronology of geological processes which have formed the rocks. Field trips to selected areas illustrate a variety of geological features. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. 355/555 (As scheduled)
Geology 560 1 – 3 (crs.)
Field Course in Geology
Formal classroom study of an area of geologic interest followed by field study of the area. Study areas change from year to year, but have included the Florida reef tract, coastal North Carolina, the Catskills, the Grand Canyon, the Guadalupe Mountains, Big Bend National Park, the Gulf Coast, and central Coahuila, Mexico. A final examination follows the trip. May be taken for credit more than once. Special sections may be arranged to accommodate students with differing backgrounds in geology. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Contact instructor for information regarding special course fees. 360/560 (1+2) (Spring)
Geology 565 3 (crs.)
Physical Hydrogeology
This course explores various aspects of the water cycle. Major topics include evaporation, precipitation, surface water hydrology, occurrence of soil moisture and groundwater, properties of aquifers, principles of groundwater flow, groundwater flow to wells, and the geologic settings of groundwater supplies. Laboratory exercises will familiarize students with sources of hydrologic data and with mathematical and graphical methods of analyzing those data to solve applied problems. Prerequisites: Geology 102, 110, or 150; Mathematics 108 or equivalent; or consent of instructor. (2+2) (Fall-odd years)
Geology 566 3 (crs.)
Chemical Hydrogeology
This course provides the background necessary to address groundwater contamination problems. Major topics include 1) the chemistry of natural waters and the important reactions affecting groundwater chemistry, 2) an introduction to the physical and chemical processes affecting solute transport, 3) the characteristics of common groundwater contaminants, and 4) methods of site characterizations and remediation. Laboratory sessions will be a mix of case studies, demonstrations, and exercises that will familiarize students with sources of hydrogeologic and hydrogeochemical data and with mathematical and graphical methods of analyzing those data to solved applied problems. Prerequisites: Geology 365/565 and Chemistry 106. 366/566 (2+2) (Spring, even years)
Geology 570 2 (crs.)
Field Methods in Hydrogeology I
This field course is designed to provide students with the range of field skills needed by the practicing hydrogeologist to characterize subsurface geology and aquifer properties. Topics to be covered include drilling methods, geophysical techniques, well installation, determination of groundwater flow direction, and aquifer testing. The course includes lecture, lab, and field components. For each topic there will be an introductory lecture followed by a field exercise designed to give students experience with data collection. Lab time will be used for data analysis. Field exercises will make use of the wells located on the UWO campus, however there will also be a day-long field trip to off-campus locations. Prerequisite: Pre or Corequisite in Physical Hydrogeology (365/565) or consent of instructor. Special fees may apply. 370/570 (Fall, odd years)
Geology 571 1 (crs.)
Field Methods in Hydrogeology II
This field course is designed to provide students with the range of field skills needed by the practicing hydrogeologist. Topics to be covered include collection of water samples, characterization of natural water quality, and methods of characterizing the presence and extent of groundwater contamination. The course includes both a lecture component and an extensive field component. For each topic there will be an introductory lecture followed by a field exercise designed to give students experience with data collection and analysis. Field exercises will make use of the wells located on the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh campus; however, there will also be field trips to off-campus locations some of which may require overnight stays. See instructor for special course fees. Prerequisites: Chemical Hydrogeology (Geology 366/566) or consent of instructor. 371/571 (Spring Interim, even years)
Geology 598 1 – 3 (crs.)
Geology Workshop
A workshop on special topics of interest to teachers. This course may be repeated for credit with different topics. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. The course credit does not apply to any graduate degree program at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. 398/598 (As scheduled)
Geology 599 3 (crs.)
Geology of Wisconsin – Field Course
A multi-institutional, team-taught field trip throughout Wisconsin. The trip will provide an opportunity to study some of the exposures on which the geological history of Wisconsin has been interpreted. Undergraduates will take three exams: graduates will take the exams and do small mapping projects. Prerequisite: Geology 206 and consent of instructor. See instructor for special course fees. 399/599 (0+6) (As scheduled)
Geology 660 1 – 3 (crs.)
Topics in Geology
The study of selected topics in geology. Topics may be of current interest or may expand on material covered in other courses. The topic will be announced in the timetable when the course is offered. The course may be repeated for credit only if the content is different. Prerequisites: Geology 206, consent of instructor, and a GPA in geology of 3.0 or higher. (1, 2, or 3+0) 460/660