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Forrest R. Polk Library

Polk Library supports the research needs of graduate students through its combination of online, local, and UW System-wide collections. Due to their advanced needs, graduate students enjoy borrowing privileges of books and films and on-demand article delivery similar to faculty members. Access to Polk’s 50,000+ full-text electronic journals is available 24/7 via NetID. And through Polk’s partnerships, UW Oshkosh graduate students have access to the vast collections of the over 50 libraries and archives of UW System. Books and other research materials from schools across the system can most often be sent to Oshkosh within a matter of days.

Computer facilities within the library include workstations in Polk 101, a modern work environment with wireless printing and staff to assist. In addition, Polk Library has laptops available for check-out within the building.

Access to Polk Library’s expert librarians is not limited to regular workday hours. Graduate students can make appointments with librarians to discuss specific research projects and with 24/7 chat reference help, answers to less involved questions are always just a few clicks away. For more information, call Polk Library (920) 424-4333 or visit at and, specifically for graduate students, go to