Noreen Debnam, Sandra McCreary, Robert Hayes, Gladys Coleman, Henry Brown, Juanita Moore discuss the growing problems black students encountered on and off campus. - 2.8MB mp3 |
Henry Brown, Juanita Moore and Noreen Debnam discuss the reasons for forming a Black Student Union on campus. - 568k mp3 |
Don Jorgenson describes the Committee for the Culturally Distinct. - 588k mp3 |
Don Jorgenson, Juanita Moore and Counselor Phil Layne discuss the difÞcult responsibility of James McKee. - 472k mp3 |
Juanita Moore and Geoff McCreary discuss Dick Gregory's visit. - 344k mp3
Noreen Debnam, Robert Hayes, Sandra McCreary, Don Jorgenson, and Herb Gaede discuss the problems with Þnancial aid. - 596k mp3 |
Gladys Coleman, Juanita Moore, Sandy McCreary, and Robert HGladys Coleman, Juanita Moore, Sandy McCreary, and Robert Hayes relate their memories of the November 20 meeting of African American students at the campus Newman Center. - 824k mp3 |