Laura Ladwig, Ph.D.
- Ph.D., 2014, Biology, University of New Mexico
- M.S., 2009, Biology, Eastern Illinois University
- B.S., 2004, Botany, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Courses Taught
- BIO105: Biological Concepts – Unity
- BIO766: Advanced Topics in Plant Taxonomy
Research Interests
Dr. Ladwig studies how and why plant species diversity and abundance change, in particular focusing on the impacts of human-caused global factors. She combines experimental, observational, and theoretical approaches to test broad conceptual issues regarding the composition and functioning of ecosystems. Much of her research is focused in grasslands and savannas in the Midwest.
Selected Recent Publications
- Ladwig LM, CR Zirbel, QM Sorenson & EL Damschen. 2020. A taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional comparison of restoration seed mixes and historical plant communities in Midwestern oak savannas. Forest Ecology and Management 466: 118122
- Ladwig LM, D Krofcheck, SL Collins & WT Pockman. 2019. Minimal mortality and rapid recovery of the dominant shrub Larrea tridentata following an extreme cold event in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 963-972
- Ratajczak Z, A Churchill, LM Ladwig, J Taylor & SL Collins. 2019. The combined effects of and extreme heatwave and wildfire on tallgrass prairie vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 687-697
- Ladwig LM, JL Chandler, PW Guiden & JJ Henn. 2019. Extreme winter warm event causes exceptionally early bud break for many woody species. Ecosphere 10: e02542
- Alstad AO, EI Damschen & LM Ladwig. 2018. Fire as a site preparation tool in grassland restoration: Seed size effects on recruitment success. Ecological Restoration 36(3):219-225
- Ladwig LM, EI Damschen & DA Rogers. 2018. Sixty years of community change in the prairie-savanna-forest mosaic of Wisconsin. Ecology and Evolution DOI:10.1002/ece3.4251
- Ladwig LM, EI Damschen, S Martin-Blangy, & AO Alstad. 2018. Grasslands maintained with frequent fire promote cold tolerant species. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 541-549
- Collins SL, LM Ladwig, MD Petrie, SK Jones, JM Mulhouse, JR Thibault & WT Pockman. 2017. Press-pulse interactions: Effects of warming, N-deposition, winter precipitation and fire on desert grassland community structure and dynamics. Global Change Biology 23: 1095-1108
- Ladwig LM, ZR Ratajczak, TW Ocheltree, KA Hafich, AC Churchill, SJK Frey, CB Fuss, CE Kazanski, JD Munoz, MD Petrie, AB Reinmann & JG Smith. 2016. Beyond arctic and alpine: the influence of winter climate on temperate ecosystems. Ecology 97(2):372-382