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Get Dancing To Science!

Content Focus: Students focused on the connection between frequency and pitch, and dynamics and amplitude regarding soundwaves. They then took their knowledge and created a dance/movement to a specific song. Language Focus: Listening to music samples, discussion with...

Sound Waves and Foley Artistry: The Art of Sound Effects in Media

Content Focus: Sound Waves and Foley Artistry Language Focus: Listening Vocabulary Focus: Waves, Music, Science Standards: SCI.PS.4A.06 – Apply knowledge of sound waves to model sound waves SEP6.A – Constructing an Explanation – Apply scientific...

SEL and the Star Spangled Banner

Francis Scott Key dealt with his experiences aboard an enemy ship during the War of 1812 by writing down his thoughts and feelings, which would one day become our national anthem. We can learn from his coping stategy of writing and explore other ways in dealing with...

Musical Magic

Students will learn to hear symmetry in music and create their own musical patterns and symmetry. They will learn about composition and performance in music, incorporating math patterns and symmetry. Supporting Documents: Musical Magic Lesson Slides Contact: Teri...

In the Know About Radio Shows

Students will…1. Explore the history of radio shows2. Learn about and create radio jingles3. Write short stories and learn about foley to add sound effects to them4. Assemble a class radio show Supporting Documents: Slides, Lesson Plan Contacts: Schuyler...

Get Moving! Math Warm-Ups through CLR and Creative Movement

Arts Integration and CLR (culturally and linguistically responsive) teaching fosters many pathways to understanding, particularly as learners acquire academic language. Participants will integrate creative movement with math comparisons and place value over grade...