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Get Dancing To Science!

Students will show understanding of the relationship between pitch/frequency and dynamics/amplitude regarding soundwaves. They will show proficiency by drawing a wavelength for a given pitch/dynamic song sample, then create a dance that matches the form of their...

Turning Stories Into Stage

– Choose a familiar story to work with and use a story graphic organizer or story board to break up the story into clear scenes or acts- Pull text directly from story or summarize to create the narration script- Create a character list and determine single items...

Get Moving! Math Warm-Ups through CLR and Creative Movement

Arts Integration and CLR (culturally and linguistically responsive) teaching fosters many pathways to understanding, particularly as learners acquire academic language. Participants will integrate creative movement with math comparisons and place value over grade...

Planning for Success: Arts Integration Unit Collaboration

We will share how we (music and visual arts teachers) approach unit planning and reflection with our invested grade level teams in order to ensure implementation with fidelity, engagement, and JOY. Supporting Documents: Artful Learning Unit Collaboration Contacts:...

Spotlight on Arts Integration: Connecting with Communities

We will walk through how we (two music teachers) approach arts integration with our communities by sharing our students’ learning and creations with their families, the student body, and the wider community. Visual Art/Music Big Rocks Standards: Create...

Indonesian Arts Integration Unit

Students at Badger in grades 3-6 spent a few months learning about music, dancing, instruments, and puppetry from Bali, West Java, and Sumatra in Indonesia. Culture bearers, Dewa Adnyana and Indah Erdmann (Bali and West Java, respectively) and Professor Sonja Downing...