Content Focus: Students focused on the connection between frequency and pitch, and dynamics and amplitude regarding soundwaves. They then took their knowledge and created a dance/movement to a specific song. Language Focus: Listening to music samples, discussion with...
Content Focus: Social-Emotional Learning Language Focus: Emotions Vocabulary Focus: Emotions and Scratch Art Standards: Content Area 6-8: Art and Design – Create. Make – Engage in experimentation with the expressive qualities of media, tools, and...
Content Focus: In this project, students will discover the “Seasonal Round” that Native peoples traditionally followed to harvest different food resources during the four seasons. They will make connections between how their life does or doesn’t follow a “Seasonal...
Content Focus: Literacy focus specifically on vocabulary words, sight words, words for review, high frequency words Language Focus: Speaking: using the words in a sentence properly. Listening: hearing the words in a sentence or hearing how to stretch a word to match...
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