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Get Dancing To Science!

Students will show understanding of the relationship between pitch/frequency and dynamics/amplitude regarding soundwaves. They will show proficiency by drawing a wavelength for a given pitch/dynamic song sample, then create a dance that matches the form of their...

Trading Cards

Research Native American tribes (4th grade) or animals (2nd grade) using online resources and textbooks. Create trading cards using the research. Contact: Stafani Karl, Haley Schwanebeck

2D and 3D Arts Integration

Students will be able to describe the different types of Native American dwellings, specifically igloos, and explain how resources from the environment were used to build them. Students create 2D and 3D art representations to express their understanding of Native...

Snap Word Creations

Students use materials of their choice to create their snap word (sight word/high frequency word). Students can then add their word to the class crossword puzzle, choosing how it might interlace with other snap words (same letters in common). Supporting Documents:...