Content Focus: Public Speaking in Communications Class (UW-Oshkosh CAPP Speech) Language Focus: Speaking Vocabulary Focus: Anxiety, Pinching, Coiling, Slab Building, Sculpting Standards: UWS12A34: Develop and deliver presentations to convey information and ideas in a...
Content Focus: The lesson plan is specifically designed for high school Newcomer/Atlas class for English language learners. The purpose of the class is to bridge the education gaps and build the necessary skills for the students to transit to co-taught main stream...
Content Focus: Students focused on the connection between frequency and pitch, and dynamics and amplitude regarding soundwaves. They then took their knowledge and created a dance/movement to a specific song. Language Focus: Listening to music samples, discussion with...
Content Focus: Read aloud with discussion Language Focus: speaking, listening, reading Vocabulary Focus: circles Standards: n/a Arts Integration: bracelet making Lesson Objectives: Build a sense of classroom family Activities: Have students make either braided...
Content Focus: Literary Genre Study (Transcendentalism) Language Focus: Listening and Writing Vocabulary Focus: Transcendentalism, Nature, Self, Climate Change, Biotic/Abiotic Factors, Noise Pollution, Conservation, etc. Standards: ELA – Reading: Text Analysis...
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