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Arts and Communications
Arts Integration Symposium
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Reeve Union 202
What is Symposium?
A professional development workshop for UWO students and pre-service teachers, practicing educators, administrators, high school students, and anyone else interested in arts integration!
How does it work?
Participants will self-select up to seven hands-on roundtables facilitated by ArtsCore trained teachers, mentors, and partners. Each roundtable demonstrates an arts-integrated lesson that has been field-tested in the classroom.
Why attend?
Participants will walk away with arts-integrated lesson plans that succeeded in the classrooms. You will also have the opportunity to network with practicing educators, creating connections across districts and subject areas.
“I’m glad I came. It’s great to get ideas for the future.”

Arts Integration Showcase
11:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitated by Sarah Phelps, Badger Elementary School, Appleton
Join music teacher Sarah Phelps as she leads a hands-on demonstration combining poetry and illuminated manuscripts — no art experience required to participate! She will also share some highlights and answer questions about integrating the arts with all grade levels and multiple subjects at Badger Elementary.
Available to licensed educators only.
Roundtable Offerings
Roundtable Timeslots:
You may attend any or all times!
8:30 – 9:00
9:05 – 9:35
9:40 – 10:10
10:15 – 10:45
1:30 – 2:00
2:05 – 2:35
2:40 – 3:10
Anxiety Monsters: Draw Your Anxiety Away!
Sara Klein | North High | Oshkosh
Learn about the different types of anxiety and then draw your very own anxiety monster while exploring how to combat this anxiety.
The Art of Migration: Telling Refugee & Immigrant Stories with Páj Ntaub
Brianna Lubbers | STEM Academy | Fremont
Discover the rich tradition of Páj Ntaub, an art form that tells stories through detailed fabric designs. Also explore the important difference between refugees and immigrants, gaining a deeper understanding of their unique experiences. You will create your own Páj Ntaub to visually represent stories you explored.
Beading to Remember Reading
Teri Rucinsky | Emmeline Cook Elementary | Oshkosh
Create polymer clay beads that represent key aspects of a book, such as characters, setting, and plot points.
City Builder
Jessica Bruneau | STEM Academy | Fremont
Learn about different maps, what goes into urban development, architecture, surface area, and nets as you create a building.
Color, Shape, & Story: The Art of Symbolism
Brett Thyssen | Kaleidoscope Academy | Appleton
Learn how to engage students using symbolism and color to build on character development when reading a text.
Coloring Outside the Lines: Exploring Emotions Through Art
Barbie Deacy | eAcademy | Oshkosh
Explore how colors and lines convey feelings in visual art. Analyze and depict your emotions through abstract art while learning to understand emotional expression in yourself and others.
Crazy for Collage
Sarah Phelps | Badger Elementary | Appleton
Collage is an accessible art form to bring creativity and demonstrate understanding in any subject area. Come make some art and learn about arts integration.
Diving Under: Exploring the Ocean Through Visual Art
Ashlyn O’Brien | Janet Berry & Franklin Elementary | Appleton
Combine knowledge of the ocean with various elements and principles of art and design to create artwork from the perspective of a deep-sea diver using a variety of materials.
Drawing, Writing, & Flexibility, OH MY!
Becky Gibson | Kaleidoscope Academy | Appleton
Learn how to teach flexible thinking through creative writing and visual arts. Discover lessons that encourage students to be creative while practicing flexible-thinking skills, social skills, collaboration, and perseverance.
Explore the Here and Now
Katharina Abderholden | Kaleidoscope Academy | Appleton
Examine the incorporation of movement practices aimed at helping students attune themselves to their energy and overall state of being. By utilizing techniques such as yoga, Tai Chi, and body-mind practices, you will connect with your present physical state and navigate the various sensations that can impact your emotional well-being throughout the day.
Extreme Pop Up Houses
Katie Vander Velden | Richmond & Edison Elementary | Appleton
After looking at the extreme architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, learn how to make a multi-level pop up house.
Facial Figures: Exploring Figurative Language through Self-Portraits
Alexis Besten & Sydney Levy | Vel Phillips Middle School | Oshkosh
Demonstrate your understanding of figurative language by creating a self portrait. Here’s the catch – you can’t draw any of your physical features except for your hair! Instead you will identify a combination of your physical characteristics and passions through figurative language which you will use to create your drawing.
Fraction Quilts
Jewel Brunner | Kaleidoscope Academy | Appleton
Apply your knowledge of fractions by creating a fraction “quilt.”
Keith’s Got Moves: Movin’ & Groovin’ with Music & the Art of Keith Haring
Schuyler Pietz | Madison Elementary | Stevens Point
Explore Keith Haring’s artwork and its connections to music and social activism. Create your own Haring-inspired art!
LEGO Gardens
Jen Steidtman | STEM Academy | Fremont
Explore the intersection of Math, Art, and Technology Through Pixel Art! By zooming in on images and delving into the fascinating world of Pixel Art, experience one way to merge mathematical concepts with artistic expression and technological innovation.
Making Spaces for our Feelings
Rachel Thurston | Badger Elementary | Appleton
Design a “room” where your least comfortable feeling can live. Understand that every feeling has a place in your body & a reason for occurring; you just need to discover what supports/interventions should be used to calm those feelings when they are overwhelming.
Mosaic Mania
Calista Schmidt | Read Elementary | Oshkosh
Use mosaic pieces to make a warm or cool colored square or rectangle, then find the area of that shape.
Moving with our Feelings
Grace Peterson | Ferber Elementary | Appleton
Learn about how different feelings can be portrayed through body and facial expressions through playing different games that make you think about your own feelings and what may cause them.
My 3D City
Jasmine LaSage | Read Elementary | Oshkosh
Create your own map where you use cardboard and array paper to make 3D buildings.
Safety First! Creating Safety Posters for the Lab
Irina Lorenz | North High | Oshkosh
Create a poster to convey the Safety Rules in the Science Lab.
Show off your Moves: Demonstrating Knowledge through Movement
Nicole Mader | Franklin Elementary | Appleton
Learn to demonstrate understanding through the creation of a movement/dance within a small group.
Skip Counting Songs
Angelica Kluz | Kaleidoscope Academy | Appleton
Learn engaging ways to help students master their multiplication math facts using familiar songs.
Stop & Dot
Katie Stadler | Perry Tipler Middle | Oshkosh
Do you like red light, green light? Then you would love this interactive lesson to help students work on controlling their impulses through completing pointillist artwork with a catch.
Symbolize the Self: Creating Necklace Charms
Taylor Brzezinski | Traeger Middle | Oshkosh
Learn how to create a meaningful necklace charm! Follow along as you learn about symbolism and how it can be used to create works of art that are personal to you.
Tableau: Capture the Concept, Freeze the Frame
Kathleen Erickson | North High | Oshkosh
Ever wished your students could show their understanding, not just tell it? Tableau is a dynamic strategy that transforms learning into a visual spectacle. Learn how to implement the kinesthetic approach in your classroom to foster deep understanding, critical thinking, and creative expression.
Tear and Share: Collage to Deepen Understanding & Reflection
Michelle Huettl | West High | Oshkosh
Understand the way collage can spark creativity and open people up to sharing. Learn about the layering method and alternative approaches. See student creations and examine their feedback around the activity.
Watercolor & Writing: Engaging your Students
Kari White | Kaleidoscope Academy | Appleton
Learn how to assess student learning through the use of writing and watercolor.