Content Focus:
- 4th Grade: Native American Tribes in the Northeast Region, Research, Informational Writing
- 2nd Grade: Animal Classification
Language Focus: reading, writing, speaking
Vocabulary Focus:
- 4th Grade: Summarize, Resources, Identify, Native American, Indigenous People
- 2nd Grade: Classification, Characteristic, Mammal, Reptile. Vertebrate, Invertebrate, Pattern
- R.4.1 Locate and refer to relevant details and evidence when explaining what a text says explicitly/implicitly and make logical inferences. (RI&RL) Infer the larger ideas and messages in a nonfiction text. Give reasons to support thinking (either text-based or from personal experience). Use specific evidence from the text when making inferences about what I have learned. Refer to important information and details and use as evidence to support opinions and statements during discussion (and in writing)
- A.A.Cr.4.i: Investigate Experiment with studio skills, techniques, materials, tools and elements and principles of art and design through practice.
- A.A.Cn.6.i: Cultural, Social, and Historical Awareness Explain how art and design are used to communicate ideas, beliefs, and values of groups and individuals.
- 2-LS4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.
- L.2.1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). Build on others’ talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of others. Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and texts under discussion.
- A.A.Cr.1.e: Investigate studio skills, techniques, materials, tools, and elements and principles of art and design.
- A.A.Pr.3.e: Share artwork through a presentation or exhibit.
Arts Integration:
- 4th Grade: After researching their native american tribe students then use the information to create a trading card. They then drew a picture of something important from their tribe (housing, food, roles of men and women). After drawing with pencil they were able to color/shade their drawing using copic markers.
- 2nd Grade: After going through the Mystery Science lesson about classification and doing the classification of animals, students were asked to pick an animal of their choice to put on their trading card. They needed to include 3 ways that they were going to use to classify the animal.
Lesson Objectives:
- 4th Grade: Students will be able to use the information they have researched about their Native American tribe to create a trading card. Students will be able to use copic markers to shade and design their drawing on their trading card.
- 2nd Grade: Students will be able to choose an animal and write about 3 characteristics it has in order to help them classify their animal.
Activities: Research Native American tribes using online resources and textbooks. Create trading cards using the research.
- 4th Grade: Students were able to vote on the Native American tribe they were most interested in and then research that tribe. They were then told that they were going to create their own trading card using the Art teacher’s fancy copic markers. This was new and exciting for the students.
- 2nd Grade: Students have the choice in their animal and will get to make a trading card like a pokemon card!
Assessment Procedure: Students were assessed on the information they put on their trading card. Whether the information was correct and on topic. They were then assessed on whether their drawing and coloring was work they could be proud of. We looked for using the whole drawing space and not leaving any white space. We also looked to see that drawing correlated to the information listed at the bottom of the card.
Materials: White watercolor paper or cardstock, alcohol markers
Contact: Stafani Karl, Haley Schwanebeck
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