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Content Focus: Sound Waves and Foley Artistry

Language Focus: Listening

Vocabulary Focus: Waves, Music, Science


  • SCI.PS.4A.06 – Apply knowledge of sound waves to model sound waves
  • SEP6.A – Constructing an Explanation – Apply scientific ideas, principles, and evidence to construct, revise, or use an explanation for real world phenomena, examples, or events.
  • MG3.R.10.m – express musical ideas through verbal, movement, written, artistic, or technological means


Arts Integration: Foley Artistry, Found Sounds

Lesson Objectives:

  • Know the types of Waves
  • How to measure waves
  • To understand you can feel waves even though you can’t see them
  • Energy travels through sound waves (sound waves are a part of kinetic energy)
  • Properties of sound and light waves


Activities: Foley Artistry recordings with videos, doodle notes

Engagement/Introduction: Through the use of Foley Artistry, students will learn about sound waves and foley artistry. They will then apply their knowledge to create a foley scene.

Assessment Procedure: Students will submit their Foley scene as a summative assignment.

Materials: Chromebooks, Access to Canva

Supporting Documents: Presentation

Contact: Daniel Quiroga, Kelly Quiroga