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Content Focus: Moon patterns

Language Focus: Listening

Vocabulary Focus: Phase, crescent moon, half moon.


  • A.A.Cr.3.e: Make Create works of art that introduce students to media, care of tools, and basic craftsmanship skills.
  • 1-ESS1-1. Make observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.


Arts Integration: Students will use what they learned about moon phases from the Mystery Science Unit to create a moon phase of their choice out of clay using a variety of tools. Then they will use paint to show the phase their moon is in.

Lesson Objectives: Students will make a clay moon to reproduce a moon phase with the use of tools.

Activities: Students will use a clay circle to create moon craters and create texture. Students will paint their moons phase on the clay moon to represent earth’s shadow. All students will put their finished moons in order of moon phases.

Engagement/Introduction: After doing the Mystery Science lesson, review the moon phases with the students using photos as they use their arms or hands to act out the shape of the moon. Tell students that within the next couple days, they will choose a moon phase they learned about and create it using tools and clay.

Assessment Procedure:

  • 4 Advanced: Student made their sculpture neatly and it resembles the moon phase assigned.
  • 3 Proficient: Student made a moon sculpture and tried to make the moon phase assigned.
  • 2 Developing: Student made a sculpture not resembling the moon or phases.
  • 1 Beginning: Student did not make a moon sculpture.

Materials: air dry clay, 4in cookie cutter, clay trimming tool, individual trays for each student (optional), black and white paint

Modifications: Students who have a gluten allergy can use gluten free Play-Doh instead.

Supporting Documents: Presentation

Contact: Madysen Weiss