Content Focus: Social Emotional Learning: Emotional Literacy
Language Focus: Speaking and listening through discussion and sharing of their final mood meter.
Vocabulary Focus: A variety of emotion-related vocabulary.
- WI DPI Social and Emotional Learning Competencies: (6th-8th)
1 Self-Awareness: Learners will be able to recognize and label a variety of complex graded emotions in self and others.
11 Self-Awareness/Self-Management: Learners will be able to identify successes and challenges, and how they can learn from them. - WI Standards
A.A.Cr.7.m: Investigate- Investigate and expand knowledge of studio skills, techniques, materials, tools, and elements and principles of art and design.
A.A.Pr.7.m: Develop Meaning- Convey meaning and intent through the presentation of personal, historical, and
contemporary work and formulation of exhibition narratives.
Arts Integration: Arts Integration is portrayed through the teachings of color theory and the student creation of mood trackers utilizing watercolor as their medium. These concepts of emotional literacy through mood meters were taught alongside color theory and the creation of mood trackers.
Lesson Objectives: I will learn to associate color with emotion. I can label the emotion I am currently experiencing. I can use color theory to mix colors to represent the emotion I am experiencing.
- mindful moment
- discussion of color theory
- mixing colors to create your own color wheel
- emotion and color- examples in advertising and mood tracker
- creation of mood tracker
Engagement/Introduction: Students will learn about the representation of emotion in color. Students will track their daily mood using symbols and watercolors. After a month of tracking students will be able to see what artistic masterpiece their emotions create.
Assessment Procedure: We assessed students on the creation of a color wheel with primary, secondary, and tertiary colors represented. Additionally, we looked at their mood tracker when it was completed, addressing whether they were able to identify the emotion they were feeling and mix a color that aligns with the emotion.
Materials: watercolor paper watercolors, watercolor pen, water cups, paper towels, writing utensils
Supporting Documents: Lesson Plan, Presentation
Contact: Laura Dickenson, Kathryn Parker
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