Francis Scott Key dealt with his experiences aboard an enemy ship during the War of 1812 by writing down his thoughts and feelings, which would one day become our national anthem. We can learn from his coping stategy of writing and explore other ways in dealing with our own future stresses in life. And, by learning the intent of his words, the singing of our national anthem can find a new, richer meaning to enhance when performaning.
After learning the song and it’s history, students will choose their own representation of connecting with a personal experience or by using Francis Scott Key’s experience to create either a diary entry, comic strip summary, original artwork, a written narrative or musical composition to demonstrate how using these tools can help in understanding how writing helped Francis Scott Key and give insight to students on preference when faced with conflict or stress in their life.SEL focus of lesson – diary entry, comic strip summary, original artwork, a written narrative or musical composition. Give students the choice to demonstrate their understanding of the history behind the national anthem by selecting one of the options above. Students also may choose to focus on their own personal experience to demonstrate their understanding that Francis Scott Key used poetry as a form of writing down what he experienced and the emotions he felt.
Supporting Document: Slides
Contact: Melissa Fields
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